Irish Sunday Mirror

Roy: Stop getting stroppy, Michy


ROY HODGSON reckons Michy Batshuayi needs to choose his words more carefully when he heads off on internatio­nal duty.

The on-loan Crystal Palace striker (above) told Belgian media last week he feels a lot of trust from national boss Roberto Martinez that he does not feel at club level.

“I get a breath of renewed energy when I come into the national team, because it’s very hard for me at my club,” he said.

But Palace boss Hodgson (right) hit back: “Any time a player who is not getting a game here and is obviously unhappy not getting a game here, I’d fully expect that when he goes away with the national team, especially if he plays and does very well, to get the question, ‘What’s gone wrong? Why aren’t you playing back there?’

“Then you expect him to say the type of things Michy said.

“If after 45 years I didn’t expect that or come to terms with that, I would have been living in a different world.

“But I would advise people when they do go away and say that to be a little bit careful.

“Because playing 60 minutes against Belarus and scoring one of eight goals is not quite the same as if he comes on against Everton and helps us to a 3-0 win by scoring a couple.

“I would put that in a different league in terms of achievemen­t.

“Without wishing to denigrate them in any way, the quality of a Belgian team against a Belarus team is not like two Premier League teams playing together.”

Hodgson has been impressed with the squad Carlo Ancelotti has put together at Everton.

Although he is adamant there is no jealousy when rival managers bring in world-renowned stars such as James Rodriguez.

Hodgson added: “You need to be realistic and pragmatic at all times.

“When you go into a job you have fairly clear ideas yourself of what’s going to be possible and what the club is going to be able to do in terms of supporting you and what your goals and aims should be.”

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