Irish Sunday Mirror



Aries Before spending any cash, put some money aside to cover bills that are due later in April. Someone in the family will complain about you taking on too many additional responsibi­lities. But this feels like a good move for you and you will have no qualms about initiating something new. For more call Taurus April 21 – May 21 There’s nothing wrong with trying to fit as much as possible into your day. There will be plenty of time to give attention to your love life and closest relationsh­ips, hobbies and spare-time interests. The more you do, the more you seem to want to do. These are exciting times. For more call 1560 932202 Gemini May 22 –June 21 Sit back and observe what is going on around you. As with recently, do your best to keep out of other people’s disagreeme­nts. Watch and listen, and you will get to know what side of the fence others are sitting on. This will help you feel more certain about what you want to do. For more call 1560 932203 Cancer June 22 –July 23 You’re making memories. It will be fun to spice things up with your partner. You’re enjoying each other’s company and this will also inspire you to go out there and express yourself. Buy something special to wear for an important event. You will feel more confident and sociable looking your best. For more call 1560 932204 Leo July 24 – August 23 Don’t take everything at face value. Give yourself time to form opinions. If you believe what others are saying too quickly, it will take longer to realise you have been deceived. When joint finances are discussed, at least listen to what your partner has to say before you react. For more call 1560 932205

1560 932201 Virgo March 21–April 20 Aug 24– Sept 23

Arguments over money, politics or religion are causing tension at home. These can be overcome if housemates are willing to respect each other’s views. You don’t all have to agree, but you need to get close enough to each other to have a constructi­ve talk about things. For more call 1560 932206


Sept 24–Oct 23 A friend or loved one is allowing emotion to colour their reason. A dramatic emotional display will cause you concern, but when you hear other accounts of the same event, it will be clear they are making mountains out of molehills. Hold back from offering sympathy or support. For more call 1560 932207 Scorpio Oct 24 – Nov 22 Your thoughts are going round in circles as you keep thinking about something you said to someone recently. You feel you have put your foot in it. The more you think about it, the more magnified the issue becomes. Talk things over with a friend whose advice you’ve always trusted. For more call 1560 932208 Sagittariu­s Nov 23 – Dec 21 Your boss appreciate­s your industriou­s attitude to work, but sometimes takes your enthusiasm for the job for granted. You can’t keep saying yes to everything they ask you to do. You’re doing too much for other people and not enough for yourself. It will exhaust you to work flat out all the time. For more call 1560 932209

Capricorn Dec 22 –Jan 20

A loved one is finding it hard to get close enough to you to have a serious talk about a problem. A sudden emotional outburst is not selfishnes­s or childishne­ss on their side. It is more likely to be an expression of frustratio­n at your lack of sensitivit­y or understand­ing. For more call 1560 932210 Aquarius Jan 21 – Feb 19 Fond memories that creep into your head keep your mind rooted in the past. There’s nothing wrong with feeling nostalgic. The past is important. It has made you who you are today, but it is also important to start considerin­g the present and indeed planning for the future. For more call 1560 932211

Pisces Feb 20 – Mar 20

If you’re worried about anything, you may need to spend time alone and weigh your options. Write a list of all the good things about a situation or circumstan­ce that is bothering you. Next, list all the bad things about it, then try to be objective as you work out a solution to your problems. For more call 1560 932212

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