Irish Sunday Mirror

Half of adults are now fully vaccinated


ALMOST half of adults are now fully vaccinated against Covid-19, HSE chief executive Paul Reid has said.

New figures released on Saturday show that 48% of adults, 1.8 million people, have now received two doses of the vaccine, while another 68%, 2.56 million, have had their first dose.

It comes after the Government announced a number of new measures aimed at boosting the rollout in a race against the more transmissi­ble Delta variant.

Mr Reid said Ireland must plan for the Delta variant with “concern”, but with “a level of confidence also”.

He tweeted: “Almost 4.3M vaccines administer­ed. Over 2.56M adults partially vaccinated (68%) & over 1.8M (48%) fully vaccinated.

“Over 55,000 administer­ed on each of the last 4 days, & over 272,000 so far this week.”

Efforts to ramp up the jabs programme are ongoing amid the threat posed by the Delta variant and a recommenda­tion from public health experts that indoor hospitalit­y not return until a system can be set up allowing only vaccinated customers to enter.


As part of those efforts, Ireland on Friday agreed a deal in principle to purchase one million unwanted vaccines from Romania.

Taoiseach Micheal Martin spoke to Romanian President Klaus Iohannis, when a deal was agreed, however it is yet to be finalised.

It followed an earlier announceme­nt that the rollout will be accelerate­d for people aged 18 to 34.

It follows updated advice from the National Immunisati­on Advisory Committee (NIAC) that the Astrazenec­a and Johnson & Johnson (also known as Janssen) vaccines can be given to people under 40.

People aged 18 to 34 can now “opt in” for one of those jabs, or choose to wait for an MRNA vaccine such as Pfizer or Moderna.

The opt-in system will run in parallel with the online registrati­on portal, which will open for the 30 to 34-year-old age cohort next Friday.

 ??  ?? ROLLOUT BOOST Micheal Martin
ROLLOUT BOOST Micheal Martin

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