Irish Sunday Mirror

Anna is champion youngsters need


THE stunning All-ireland champ Anna Geary is fronting a new RTE show to help girls to stay in sport.

In Why Girls Quit Sport - which airs on RTE2 on July 15 and 22 - Anna delves into the ‘why’, is it fear, is it the pursuit of athletic perfection or is it lack of confidence that forces girls out of the game.

The former Dancing With The Stars finalist is on a mission to set up a team of GAA players in a Dublin school.

What an incredibly empowering TV show and kudos to Anna Geary, she’s flying the flag to reject fear and embrace our inner confidence.

I got a sneak peak of her empowering new show and my jaw nearly hit the floor when one of the girls at the Ringsend school said she’d rather chill after school and throw on Love Island than play sport.

The toxic show really gets my goat and it started again this week much to my despair. Now it’s the only thing people will want to talk about for the next eight weeks!

Only one body type is being shown, you need to be skinny as a woman or really muscly as a man.

These girls watching Love Island in the Ringsend school are similar to droves of girls across the nation, looking at unrea alistic body types and comparing themselves to these fickle reality stars.

Day one of the show was all quaint and sweet with lots of weird eye contact and ‘hello darling’ vibes until it turned into soft porn.

I’m not prudish, but if teens think this is the norm what chance have they got at any sort of normality.

The horny devil challenge on Tuesday night was branded “disgusting” by some viewers.

The singletons were clad in red devil costumes, had to lock lips for 30 seconds and make X-rated confession­s just hours after descending on the villa.

The challenge saw the islanders divided into two teams, girls versus boys, with each contestant having to read out a statement from a fork and then confer among their team who it is.

Confession­s included: “This girl once got a sex toy stuck inside her”, with Jake heading over to kiss Liberty, before it was revealed to be Chloe. Following the kiss, Jake said in the Beach Hut: “She don’t like the tongues I don’t think”.

Brad then read out another X-rated statement: “This girl loves to start her day by sending a tit pic”, and decided to pick Faye to kiss, who admitted it was her.

“I mean if you’re in a relationsh­ip, you’ve got to start the day somehow, right?”, Faye said.

Aaron then kissed Sharon after guessing correctly she’d had a threesome three times.

For the boys’ confession­s, the girls guessed Brad’s nan had once walked into him having sex and that Jake has a “massive foot fetish”.

Love Island is soft porn escapism that’s got our teens hooked, let’s champion shows that give back. Why Girls Quit Sport will empower girls to get off the couch whilst shows like Love Island feed into our body confidence insecuriti­es.

 ??  ?? TEMPTATION Love Island girls in ‘horny devil’ outfits
TEMPTATION Love Island girls in ‘horny devil’ outfits

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