Irish Sunday Mirror

‘Tricky job for Vieira at Palace’


PATRICK VIEIRA faces a baptism of fire should he be appointed at Crystal Palace.

That is the verdict of Selhurst Park legend Andy Gray.

Former Arsenal skipper Vieira is poised to take over in south London, following Roy Hodgson’s departure.

“Getting a new manager so close to the season is tricky because he needs to sign players and it’ll now be a race against time,” said former midfielder Gray (below), who made just under 200 league appearance­s for Palace over two stints.

“But they’ve got people who help the manager in terms of going out and finding players.

“They must have already identified some, if they’re doing their jobs properly. “Vieira is going to talk the talk, but the only thing that matters is staying in the Premier League.

“It’ll be his first season at Palace – and as a Premier League manager.

“There’s lots of minileague­s in the top flight – it just depends where you’re at as a club.

“Hodgson was getting criticised for his way of playing, but he kept them in the division.”

Vieira will need to have more success than Palace’s only other fulltime manager from outside the British Isles.

Frank de Boer lasted just five games before getting the boot in 2017.

“In management, one day you’re a hero and the next you’re a villain,” added Gray.

“He’ll need a run of games to prove himself.

“In the Premier League it’s a cut-throat business, so if results aren’t going your way, then you know what they’ll do.

“They won’t care that it’s someone as well known as Vieira, they’ll find someone who can get points on the board.”

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