Irish Sunday Mirror



Aries March 21–April 20

If it isn’t possible to put some important tasks aside, tread carefully. Double check details. You’re in a position where you may have to make some important choices. You might doubt your decisions in which case ask for the advice of someone whose opinion you trust.

For more call 1560 932201

Taurus April 21 – May 21

An honest talk is necessary. Someone in the family is struggling with work problems or the fact they can’t find a job. You may have ideas on how they might resolve their problems but choose your words carefully. A heart to heart will make you feel better within your closest relationsh­ips.

For more call 1560 932202

Gemini May 22 –June 21

A loved one will go out of their way to get you on your own. When you hear what they have to tell you, you will realise why they wanted to talk in private. At the same time, you won’t really want to keep this particular secret quiet for too long. Happiness and hope are with you.

For more call 1560 932203

Cancer June 22 –July 23

Someone close is muddled, confused and making mistakes. They just can’t seem to be able to get their act together. As frustratin­g as this might be it would be best not to criticise for if you do they will get even more flustered and you won’t get any sense out of them at all. For more call 1560 932204 Leo July Good news will relate to a long-term goal. This will bring a major turnaround in your personal affairs. If life has been a struggle, you will soon see the light at the end of the tunnel. Take time to think about everything that has gone on. Changes that are ahead will take some getting used to.

For more call 1560 932205

24 – August 23 Virgo Aug 24– Sept 23

You will be hoping for some quiet time to do some proper thinking. The reason being, you have a number of ideas you would like to look at in more detail regarding your next venture. You will want to see if you can come up with a practical, cost-effective plan for things.

For more call 1560 932206

Libra Sept 24–Oct 23

If you’re planning to get away from it all soon, it would be advisable to make your choices and a firm booking now. There will be others having the same idea and you don’t want to find the place you want to go is fully booked. Get more balance in your life. Use your leisure time for play.

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1560 932207 Scorpio Oct 24 – Nov 22

You are full of get up and go and you love feeling this way. Your bounce and sparkle shine right through and you will probably find it is all quite infectious. This would be a great time to plan a get-together with some friends and to renew old acquaintan­ces.

For more call 1560 932208

Sagittariu­s Nov 23 – Dec 21

Include friends in a trip or outing somewhere as this is just what you need after what has been a serious year so far. You will be making many new acquaintan­ces, socially and profession­ally. New people in your life will bring a few different opportunit­ies your way.

For more call 1560 932209

Capricorn Dec 22 –Jan 20

You have a serious decision to make but you don’t have to rush into anything. You have a lot of thinking to do and you will feel more positive as the day wears on and your mind becomes clearer on what you want to do. You know what you should do to get the most from the weeks ahead.

For more call 1560 932210


Jan 21 – Feb 19 You want more excitement, more challenges and more variety. That’s why you’re taking such a strong interest in the world around you right now. Don’t be surprised if you feel a strong desire for travel. Look for ways to act on your ideas and you could be in for an exciting time ahead.

For more call 1560 932211

Pisces Feb 20 – Mar 20

You’re feeling an urge to make some changes. Prepare yourself for bouts of indecision. One moment you want to do something to improve your life, the next you will prefer to leave things the way that they are. No wonder those around you cannot understand you.

For more call 1560 932212

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