Irish Sunday Mirror

How cancer spurs me to speak out


One of the consequenc­es of “putting myself out there” by openly speaking and writing about prostate cancer and making the most of life is that opportunit­ies have come my way that are so out of what would have been my comfort zone before. I never really liked being ‘on stage’ so to speak. But I only have myself to blame now – and over the last few years, the importance of speaking has outweighed my nervousnes­s in making a mistake or looking a fool.

Over the last few weeks I’ve been live on BBC Breakfast TV, BBC and LBC radio, recorded several podcasts, written pieces for publicatio­n and continued presenting live to others about why early detection of prostate cancer is so important.

Most recently, I had the rare opportunit­y to talk in person at a Rotary Club gathering and it was a delight to be welcomed so warmly while speaking about my seven-year cancer journey.

Rotary clubs do amazing work for so many good causes and, while I am not a Rotarian, I have always appreciate­d what they do for others.

I am sure many of you will have seen their Santa sleighs up and down the country raising money at Xmas time.

After finishing my presentati­on, not only was I blown away by a significan­t amount they raised for Prostate Cancer UK but also by being awarded the great honour of being enrolled as a Paul Harris Fellow – presented to me by local president Harry Corben.

This is an award that goes to people who have done much for others. I guess somehow I humbly scraped in but it puts me in the company of the likes of US Presidents and astronauts.

Sadly on Monday, like you, I woke to the news James Michael Taylor, Gunther in Friends, had died of prostate cancer at just 59. As a Friends fan it breaks my heart but I have to use those sad thoughts to inspire me to keep going and, if possible, increase what I do so others will never have to worry about prostate cancer being a killer.

Perhaps if you like me are sometimes in fear of speaking out on something you believe in, you can find a reason to spur you on for the sake of others. Because we can all make a difference, if we dare.

Until next week, Kev

 ?? ?? DETERMINED Kevin beats stage fright
HONOURED By Rotarians
DETERMINED Kevin beats stage fright HONOURED By Rotarians

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