Irish Sunday Mirror

Abuse survivor claims political will ‘not there’ to tackle issue


A BRAVE survivor of domestic violence said the murder of Ashling Murphy needs to be a turning point for victims, declaring “enough is enough”.

Priscilla Grainger suffered physical, emotional and mental abuse at the hands of her then husband shortly after she tied the knot in 1995.

During the marriage, the mother of one was thrown against a radiator and broke a number of ribs and fractured her jaw.

The senseless death of beautiful schoolteac­her Ashling Murphy has brought to the fore the violence endured by women and the numbers contacting support services for help.

Priscilla, who runs Stop Domestic Violence in Ireland, said she had written to the Minister for Justice Helen Mcentee requesting an urgent meeting.


She said: “I am meeting people every single day of the week who are suffering domestic violence. I want the minister to meet with me and other survivors.

“We need to toughen up the laws for violence and have harsh sentences for offenders. Make domestic violence a crime, that is so important.

“Sentences today are not harsh enough. If your partner or husband beats you up tonight, you ring the Garda station, but it will take three years before you see the inside of a court room, and that’s only if you are lucky, not every case gets in there.”

She added: “Random attacks may be rare, but what is the deterrent? The sentences in this country are just not strong enough, the political will is not there, the resources are not there.

“Myself and my daughter Aine are survivors now, my ex-husband ticked every box for domestic violence and more.

“This murder of Ashling Murphy has united everyone, this has to stop.”

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Priscilla Grainger
URGENT Priscilla Grainger

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