Irish Sunday Mirror

Love Islander Matt gearing up for Fifty Shades of sashay..


LOVE Island’s Matthew Macnabb has hinted he’ll be sexing up the dance floor with some steamy moves.

The Co Down reality star teased he would bring his own take on Fifty Shades Of Grey to his debut performanc­e tonight.

Marketing consultant Matthew has been given the all-clear after isolating with Covid-19 and despite missing practice time he’s rearing to go.

He told RTE Entertainm­ent: “It’s been a bit crazy, but I’m doing the best I can. I was itching, I was actually practising the steps in my kitchen.

“I’m one of these people, when I do things I want to do them to the best of my ability. I thought, ‘I’ve got to push forward and do as much as possible’.


“It actually helped me. I came back yesterday and that was the best I danced so far, that’s what Laura [Nolan, pro dancer] was saying. So yeah, practice makes perfect.”

The Downpatric­k hunk added: “I’ll be nervous going out, but I won’t be too bad. What’s the worst that’s going to happen?

“If I fall and trip, I fall and trip. I’m not dead, you know what I mean?

“I would be disappoint­ed if I messed up because I really care and want to do the best possible, and I’ve put a lot of work into it, but that’s life.

“You can only control what you can control.”

Matthew admitted he was “really impressed” with last week’s dancers and how they coped with the pressure of opening week.

As for his dance floor debut, he hinted: “It’s going to be very Fifty Shades of Grey, I would say. If I do it right. It’s going to be a test of fire in

the sense that it’s a very fast dance, so for me the big thing I need to focus on is the performanc­e itself.

“I’ve never been an actor, but I could get a job in acting after this.”

Matthew said taking part in the RTE show was his biggest challenge to date – because there was “no real skill” involved in Love Island.

He added: “I was just talking to the girls and lifting weights and tanning. But on this, it’s seven days a week – you have to really practice.”

 ?? ?? RAUNCHY Star Matthew Macnabb getting steamy on Love Island last year
RAUNCHY Star Matthew Macnabb getting steamy on Love Island last year
 ?? ?? THRILLS Matthew Macnabb, and with pro dancer partner Laura Nolan
THRILLS Matthew Macnabb, and with pro dancer partner Laura Nolan

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