Irish Sunday Mirror



Aries March 21–April 20

Instead of pouring your energy into practical pursuits your attention is turning inward. You aren’t feeling as outgoing as normal but might still enjoy casual social gatherings. Taking up a spiritual discipline or spending time exercising your imaginatio­n will feel transforma­tive.

For more call 1560 932201

Taurus April 21 – May 21

It may cross your mind you forgot to get in touch with someone recently even though you felt a strong need to make contact. It isn’t too late to send them a text or make a call. While you are often guided by logic and practicali­ty, heeding your intuition can have good consequenc­es too.

1560 932202

For more call Gemini Sometimes you have to go with the mood of the moment. Don’t hesitate to say yes if you are offered a chance to do something you have never done before. It doesn’t matter what other people might say about you going after this one-off opportunit­y. This is your choice and your decision. For more call 1560 932203 Cancer Someone is trying to influence you into seeing a situation from their perspectiv­e. You can understand their views but this does not mean you agree. It is frustratin­g when a housemate or partner thinks they can change your mind about something you feel strongly about. For more call 1560 932204 Leo A workmate might appear to be sitting around doing nothing but looks can be deceptive. Don’t be too quick to comment or to suggest jobs they might be doing. It could be they are doing some serious thinking or waiting for informatio­n before they can proceed any further.

1560 932205

For more call

May 22 –June 21 June 22 –July 23 July 24 – August 23 Virgo Aug 24– Sept 23

You intuitivel­y sense a friend or partner’s worries, fears, hopes and dreams. Don’t dismiss your feelings as nonsense. Open a conversati­on and encourage them to confide in you. This will help you to sort out any past misunderst­andings and agree on new future possibilit­ies.

For more call 1560 932206

Libra Sept 24–Oct 23

Putting too much emphasis on one relationsh­ip puts too much pressure on your other half. No one person can provide you with everything you need. You’re putting a lot of faith in a close relationsh­ip but you should get out with others for experience­s outside your partnershi­p.

For more call 1560 932207

Scorpio Oct 24 – Nov 22

Don’t tell yourself you’re imagining things when you detect a hint of romance in a working relationsh­ip. It is love and not money that makes the world go round and even if you enjoy your job, you will also gain emotional comfort from these work and social relationsh­ips.

1560 932208 Sagittariu­s Nov 23 – Dec 21

For more call

A travel offer will hold strong appeal even though it will mean making some big changes in your life. A loved one will complain they are not ready for this, but that doesn’t matter because they do not have to join you. You are ready to strike out on your own. Have faith in yourself.

For more call 1560 932209

Capricorn Dec 22 –Jan 20

Socially, you could be mixing more regularly with people you work with. A learning situation will be all the more fun when you can share the experience. You’re thinking about updating your knowledge or skills in areas that have become rusty and a relative or workmate might join you. For more call 1560 932210 Aquarius A new career opening will provide the chance for you to use skills and talents that have gone ignored in your work situation. Your confidence in taking up this offer will impress those in high positions. Someone has some workable ideas on how to mix a little business with pleasure. For more call 1560 932211 Pisces It pays to talk. Building bridges with a loved one will allow you to let go of mistrust or resentment that has been marring this relationsh­ip for a while. You now have your heart set on a cherished goal. It will take every ounce of your energy to achieve this aim.

For more call 1560 932212

Jan 21 – Feb 19 Feb 20 – Mar 20

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