Irish Sunday Mirror

Media cover-up in a state where the camera lies


LIES fed to the Russian people by the Putin-controlled state media are helping to fuel the Ukraine war, a communicat­ions expert claims today.

Russia is being fed a daily menu of untruths about the conflict that knows no bounds. We can reveal one report said a beauty blogger daubed in blood was paraded as a fake victim at a bombed Ukrainian maternity hospital.

Another showed charred Russian bodies after a “Ukrainian terror attack” – that a trusted website later revealed had been taken from a morgue and blown up.

Russia has also been accused of stockpilin­g the bodies of dead Ukrainians to stage a false flag attack at Chernobyl.

News outlets claim the rouble is not in freefall – and one Russian journalist compared Ukraine’s Jewish president Volodymyr Zelensky to Hitler. A TV station reported he was a drug addict.

Political communicat­ions expert Joanna Szostek says she has been horrified by the lies from Russian TV stations and newspapers.

Szostek, who has lived in both Russia and Ukraine and revealed the latest bizarre claims, said: “It makes me angry. It’s a war fuelled by lies. People at the top have created this alternativ­e reality for themselves. They swallow too much of their own propaganda.

“The term de-nazificati­on is everywhere and what we are seeing is the de-humanising of Ukraine.” Szostek says most Russians are duped by the misreporti­ng. She said: “The majority will just see and believe what the state says. But there is a minority, generally younger people on the internet, not so taken in by the lies.” But they can pay a price for speaking out.

Nadya Tolokonnik­ova of anti-establishm­ent rock group Pussy Riot said friends had ended up in jail after protesting against what the state insists is a “special operation”.

Szostek, who lectures at Glasgow University, added: “Right now you can get a prison term for referring to Ukraine as a war. There have been incidents of journalist­s being killed. But this parallel reality will crack because the state media can’t hide empty shelves. The economic collapse will break the propaganda war.”

Majority will just believe what the state says JOANNA SZOSTEK ON FAKE RUSSIAN REPORTS

 ?? ?? A TV station said Zelensky was on drugs
A TV station said Zelensky was on drugs
 ?? ?? ANGRY Expert Szostek
ANGRY Expert Szostek

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