Irish Sunday Mirror


Beast could be targeted in feud after release from prison

- EMMA MCMENAMY news@irishmirro­

TWISTED C-case rapist Simon Mcginley has gone into hiding after his release from prison amid fears he will be “taken out”.

Gardai and prison staff were on alert as the 42-year-old, known as The Beast, walked free from Arbour Hill jail in Dublin on Wednesday.

The notorious fiend was freed after serving 13 years of a 21-year sentence for the horrific rape of an 85-year-old pensioner in her Monaghan home in 2008.

Gardai feared Dundalk traveller Mcginley would be attacked as he walked from the jail to a waiting taxi as part of an ongoing feud.

The violent dispute erupted in recent months and a number of attacks have already taken place on people known to the evil rapist. A source told the Irish

Sunday Mirror: “A female known to Mcginley was attacked in the last few weeks. There is serious concern that he could be next.

“There is a real threat that he could be taken out. There’s an ongoing feud and it appears to have gotten worse.

“It all kicked off because of his sickening crimes and people who are outraged by them.”

Mcginley was jailed for 12 years in 1998 after pleading guilty to raping a 13-year-old girl in August 1997.

The girl was at the centre of the “C Case” at the High Court in a legal battle over whether she was allowed to travel to the UK for an abortion.

It’s believed that Mcginley, who was hoping to go back to his home town of

Dundalk, will now stay with a family member until he finds a permanent place to live.

He has a week to inform gardai of his whereabout­s or could be arrested over breaching the conditions of his release.

The source revealed: “He wanted to go back to Dundalk, but was told he wasn’t allowed. There’s a high probabilit­y that he will go and stay with a member of his family.

“Despite being a free man, gardai are still going to keep an eye on his movements.

“He will have to inform them of where he is staying. The last thing they would want is a man with his history to go missing.

“Despite serving his sentence, Mcginley’s crimes were very serious and show what he is capable of.”

Mcginley will be on the sex offenders register and he will be under postreleas­e supervisio­n for 12 years.

If he reoffends he faces being sent back to prison.

The source said that Mcginley spent hours every day making old style replica gypsy caravans while behind bars – boasting he could sell them for €100 apiece.

He wanted to go back to Dundalk but wasn’t allowed SOURCE ON RELEASE OF SIMON MCGINLEY

 ?? ?? HIDDEN TARGET Mcginley leaves prison well disguised
HIDDEN TARGET Mcginley leaves prison well disguised
 ?? ?? EVIL Released Simon Mcginley
EVIL Released Simon Mcginley

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