Irish Sunday Mirror

Never hide your age, you earned proud


“ANOTHER year round the Sun” is a great expression but as you get a little older it’s the nice way of saying to your friends, “you’re knocking on, pal”.

Quite frankly, my dear, to quote Rhett Butler, I don’t give a damn! In fact, I think it’s marvellous. As a June Gemini baby my “another year around the sun” is my 45th to be exact and I feel it’s a privilege to see another one. I’m glad to have all my own imperfect teeth – not the Tipp-ex white tombstone ones. I may be a little more cuddly, but I can thankfully put my trousers on me every morning, my heart is big and I have real love and friendship in my life. Squeezing in another year means more this month with the very tragic passing of a close family friend two weeks ago around my age who will never blow out candles on his birthday again. It was heartbreak­ing seeing the family weep for his loss so it makes me all the more grateful; melancholi­c but also proud to say I’m happy to see another digit. I think we should never hide our age, own it…. it’s your tapestry of wisdom, you earned it, and there is pride in that. The only thing that’s not so hot is when you feel like you’re in your prime but your knees say something completely different. Do you remember how you could “drop its like it hot”? Now it’s just hard getting out of a plastic chair. My body cracks like a glow stick everytime I move. Plus, I test myself to see how old I’m getting by my level of shouting at the telly like they can hear me. The rage and profanity that can ensue when some numpty can’t get past €100 on Who Wants To Be A Millionair­e’.

I can’t clean any more either, I’m wrecked after I pick up one sock. I sometimes feel my cosy tracksuit fetish is laughing at my old rock chick style.

Worryingly, I picked up a mother of the bride attire recently, grinned at my friend with a big thumbs-up, and she grimaced putting it down to my brain fog.

I had beautiful birthday celebratio­ns. I was whisked away to Bellinter House by my hubby and out for dinner with all my pals who joked they’d wanted to put up black balloons and a banner with Halfway To 90 – hilarious girls.

I am loved and that really is the kernel of it all... every year brings some sunshine and some rain. I know that I’m very lucky to be somewhat healthy, in between the rapidly increasing ailments of snoring and neck pain and borderline hypochondr­ia (my GP must eyeroll when he sees me coming). I feel well and that’s OK with me, really, I’ll take that. I hope to live long and well with everyone I love and embrace the humour and spontaneit­y of life and find the delight, adventures, quirks and surprises that come with each passing year. So now, let’s raise a glass …. May your joints stay well-oiled, your jokes stay sharp, and your dance moves stay epic. Cheers to kicking the arse out of 45 and being fabulous.

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