New Ross Standard


- by Carlos O’Connor

Leo July 23 – August 23

Full-on again this week? Take those breaks to avoid getting overtired. Eat, sleep and play well to maintain energy. Delegate and delay at home and don’t be pushed into decisions on the romantic front. Relaxation is found in your ‘quiet’ place. Reading too much into a new romance can be disappoint­ing. Even so, enjoy every moment of a closeness that you seek to increase. Time will make it so. Your Luck: Keep personal details private.

Sagittariu­s November 23 – December 21

This week you see where your opportunit­ies are. Make a beeline for them before someone else does! Learning something about a friend may come as a disappoint­ment. Maybe you expected too much of them? In a week of new connection­s, don’t dwell too much in the past. Having some doubts about new situations is natural. Where you need it, get advice rather than hesitate for too long. Your Luck: As one door closes, another opens.


March 21 – April 20

A fast-moving week, with career and progress highlighte­d. With the spotlight falling on your talents, being in demand suits you fine. You realise that getting organised was the best thing to do. Although there are some doubts about the long-term nature of a new love interest, that should not stop you from enjoying the attention. Here is a challenge that fires the imaginatio­n! Your Luck: When romance comes calling, all may not be as it seems.


August 24 – September 23

Social life and a dating opportunit­y bring fresh hope of romance. When passions suddenly flare, see it as a reflection of things to come. If the time is not right, you will see that it will be. An old flame that fails to rekindle is for a reason, sometimes it is just not meant to happen. Has fun been lacking of late? Time to put that right! Relax that tight control. Your Luck: Go with the flow socially and there is the best chance of some fun times.

Capricorn December 22 – January 20

The chance to make progress financiall­y should be jumped at. Don’t spend too much time on this as this moment is full of confidence and opportunit­y. Advice given to you a few months ago now seems more relevant. Will you be more inclined to take it now? What may have been considered impossible a few months ago now can be seen in a different light. Your Luck: Build on your current knowledge to move forward when possible.

Taurus April 21 – May 21

A new week with a fresh approach. Tried and tested methods are good but tired and wasted methods are not! A great time to plan a trip, your imaginatio­n sharper than ever. Someone who has been source of irritation falls away. This leaves you freedom to be creative. At last, a chance to pull away from negative influences. Taking life in general a little less seriously puts you in the right mood for romance. Your Luck: A humorous situation shows the way forward.


September 24 – October 23

Socially stunning, this week can be one of the best of the summer! Nothing is without effort, so keep that energy high. Barbecue season should not see you skimping on the fruit and veg, so keep up those good intentions! This is a time of making memories and forging bonds. Touch base with talented and creative people and enjoy using those long-forgotten talents again. Your Luck: Sensitivit­y brings passion and enjoyment to the fore.

Acquarius January 21 – February 19

When being asked to consider your innermost feelings, listen. That little voice that guides you (shall we call it intuition?) may have an important message. Don’t be crowded with too much physical activity. Learn to say ‘no’ to get time to yourself. Love and life have a way of giving you a little push sometimes. Things happen. Even so, you know what is best for you. Stick to your beliefs. Your Luck: A romantic problem starts to ease.

Gemini May 22 – June 21

Fresh ideas come if you get into the right frame of mind. Time spent with relaxed people who fire your enthusiasm sees you in the right place. Do you have now to wait for progress? No. It will come suddenly and stay. An unusual and sometimes confusing weekend sees you living very much in the present. This can make you uneasy but brings with it excitement. Your Luck: Determinat­ion and a bit of extra energy drive you forward.


October 24 – November 22

The world around you throws up many pleasures this week. Exploring and travelling bring a heightened dense of self. It is a time to feel alive and optimistic. Keep your distance from negative people and don’t be afraid to seek friends with a more artistic and open approach. Bring loved ones into your everyday life more and feel the support they give. Your Luck: At work a charming approach may not be working. Time to be a little more blunt?


February 20 – March 20

People equal happiness for you this week. Being with them and being part of a team effort suits you fine. Listen to good thoughts and leave the others for another time. Although there is good advice around, you realise that life is not all black and white. Being flexible yourself you expect the same of others. Relatives and children may need your attention. Give it and help to build a strong base for them all. Your Luck: A little ‘give and take’ makes for magic.

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