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If anyone wants to wolf whistle at me next time they see me – feel free!

- Clair Whitty is a Bach Flower Practition­er, a Nutritiona­l Health Coach accredited with Thought Leader Natural Health 2018 and a Vega Food Intoleranc­e Tester at The Natural Health Store, 24 North Main Street, Wexford 053 9121613 | | www.

I normally try and steer clear of anything controvers­ial or political in this column. That’s not what I’m about. I’m paid to give a light hearted account of my largely boring day to day life. Occasional­ly something will come up that I’ll feel compelled to comment on but most of the time I talk about laundry, teenagers, my husband’s annoying habits and which gin will give you the least hangover.

But it’s been one of those weeks when I saw something on Instagram and try as I might to keep my mouth shut, I really want to comment. So this lady, attractive, blonde in her 30’s, very stylish, posted a picture of herself on Instagram one day last week saying as she was walking down a busy London Street she’d been wolf whistled at several times and found it extremely traumatic. In fact I think she described it as harassment and abusive.

My first reaction was, ‘I wish someone would be bloody wolf whistle at me!’ God be with the days. My second thought was, ‘ that girl needs to get a grip.’ Maybe unfairly, I decided she was self absorbed, overly sensitive and needed to stop taking herself too seriously.

In my mind, wolf whistling is not offensive, nor is it harassment. It’s a bit of light hearted banter, conducted by men who can’t think of any other way of showing their appreciati­on of a woman’s good looks other than whistling at them. Sure it’s not sophistica­ted or classy. In fact it’s probably a little bit childish but there is no harm meant. This woman said she felt attacked, vulnerable and scared. I’m all for the Sisterhood but really?? She’s obviously led a very sheltered life.

I showed my 16 year old son the post. He said he would never whistle at anyone because he’d be too embarrasse­d but certainly didn’t think it was harassment, just a few lads having a laugh and admiring someone from afar. He asked me was I a feminist.

I had to think hard before I answered because I don’t think I’m everyone’s version of a feminist and I certainly don’t think that lady would think I was a feminist because I didn’t back her up. I didn’t back her up because I thought she was being silly.

I believe in building women up, not tearing them down. I believe in being honest and fair. I think men are better at some things, women at others. I don’t think women can do everything men can nor vice versa. I will not defend a woman because she’s a woman but I will if I feel she’s being treated badly or because I believe in what she says.

We can’t expect to be treated equally and then run home crying because someone whistled at us! It’s a bit like having your cake and eating it!

I would rather be a good person that a great feminist if it comes down to the line. And if anyone wants to wolf whistle at me next time they see me...feel free!

Is the fear of flying ruining the excitement of your upcoming holiday, and causing you stress and anxiety? Lots of people are scared to fly. It’s not uncommon. The fear can be mild or extreme, it varies. Some will only get nervous on the day, while many dread the flight for weeks beforehand. That’s such a pity because going on holidays is meant to be an exciting event.

The reasons vary. Some people are fearful about the take-off, others the landing, but for most it’s the fear of the plane falling out of the sky. Of course it can be a fear based on a past bad experience. Each day we get out of bed we’re at risk of not seeing the night sky that evening. We don’t know what each day will bring. Try to tell that to a nervous flyer. I don’t think there is any point in telling you to breathe either. You’ll be too panicked to do that.

Natural remedies can help you overcome your fear. Here are some that have helped lots of customers.

I have spoken about Bach Rescue Remedy before, and now is an ideal time to use it if you have it at home. Bach Rescue Remedy contains flower essences to ease the feelings of panic and terror, helping you to focus even though you’re panicking; it helps you feel relaxed and calm. You can take it from the first moment you feel the fear, right through the holiday until you safely return. It’s safe to take if you’re on medication. It’s small and convenient to carry, and you can get drops, spray or lozenges, it’s suitable for young children too.

If you can’t escape from images going around and around in your head choose Bach Rescue Remedy Night as this contains an extra remedy ( White Chestnut) to switch off the worrying thoughts.

L-Theanine is an excellent remedy for anxiety and panic attacks. It’s available in many brands and is included in Higher Nature Balance for Nerves. I talk about this product a lot because I get such good feedback from it for anxiety, panic attacks, and stress. It can be combined with Rescue Remedy for optimum effect.

These natural solutions may help you overcome your fear so that you can relax and enjoy your flight.

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