With a second baby on the way, broadcaste­r Angela Scanlon feels very lucky with her lot. Here, she opens up about her pregnancy, the success of her RTÉ chat show, and where she will spend Christmas this year


Firstly Angela, congratula­tions on the news of your pregnancy! How are you feeling?

Thank you! Everything is going very well – apart from the heartburn which is violent, but I’m working on that at the moment! I’m in the second trimester now and I feel pretty good. I’ve had a manic few weeks with work but I feel healthy and active. I remember people saying to me before to enjoy my pregnancy the first time round because it would never be the same again once you have somebody hanging off you, so I definitely feel the difference of having a small human already! I feel very lucky to be having another child.

Is Ruby ready to become a big sister?

She is so excited! Then, you know, the odd time she’s a bit indifferen­t. It depends on the mood on the day really, but she has been mostly very excited. Most of her little friends have siblings so she’s aware now and kind of looking for a little friend of her own.

Having siblings yourself, did you want the same for Ruby?

Yes. I’m one of four so I always had a busy house growing up. I’m definitely not going to go that far but to have two will be really lovely.

We love the idea of your TV show Ask Me Anything, which sees celebritie­s being asked candid questions from the audience. But was it hard to get guests when agents can be strict?

That was the appeal of the show for me and I have worked on both sides of shows like that. I have never said something was off-topic in an interview, but I don’t share too much about my family or personal life. I don’t share my daughter or my husband much on social media and that is a personal choice. But I think interviews where the only thing you are allowed to talk about is your book are so dull. I would much rather not have an A-lister whose agent has prescribed a list of questions and have someone who is open and human. What I don’t want to do is make someone uncomforta­ble, that’s not my style. I don’t want to put anyone on the spot and have them shut down. That is not good for anybody. If I have Kim Kardashian on the show, I am not going to play her sex tape and ask what the idea behind it was. But the show has a playfulnes­s, it is not about someone coming on to sell something, it is about having more conversati­on.

Are the guests briefed about what you or the audience are going to ask them at all?

Guests weren’t briefed at all in the two episodes we recorded last year. But now we might give them some idea once they are in the building and we have locked the doors [laughs]. I want spontaneit­y and that “Are you kidding?” reaction – that is what we are after.

Has anyone turned down a request to be on the show?

Oh, I’m sure and I’m glad they did. I don’t want anyone on the show under the premise that they will answer questions and then they shut up shop. There has to be a willingnes­s and a trust. There won’t be any malice from my side because it is an entertainm­ent show at the end of the day. We want people to sit at home and enjoy it. There won’t be any interrogat­ions.

The show is a hit with RTÉ viewers, you must be pleased with the feedback!

It’s been great. People didn’t know what they were going to see. I think people are ready for light entertainm­ent and something that feels like escapism. I’ve had so many kind messages and the feedback so far has been great so I’m delighted and relieved. Over the past year the news has become our entertainm­ent, we’re mainlining these hardcore stories all day every day and I think we’ve become slightly addicted to it, so it’s good to actually get a bit of light relief and escape for an hour – which is certainly what I’m seeking on TV myself – so I’m glad people are enjoying it in that way.

The Tommy Tiernan Show is another chat show which has gotten a massive reaction from the public and it also plays off spontaneit­y and candid interviews. Have you tuned in to him?

I’m a massive fan of Tommy and I think what we do is totally different, the whole tone and feel of the show. I’ve been on Tommy’s show. It was one of the most excruciati­ng times of my life being on the other side. It’s different. His style is different and he’s a comedian so he’s very funny. Tommy’s

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