PAWS for thought

Businesswo­man and PR powerhouse Valerie Roe opens up about her four dogs, Finn, Ruby, Sam and Azura – and how she couldn’t imagine her life without them by her side


They are cherished family members who bring a huge amount of love and happiness into our lives

What are your dog’s ages and breeds?

So Finn is a Lab Red Setter mix and he is a complete gentleman. He is 13 years young. Ruby is an 11-year-old Yorkie cross. Sam is a nine-year-old Bichon Frise, and the youngest of the pack is Azura, who is a three-year-old Pomsky. We call her Zu Zu.

What is the story behind getting each dog?

Finn was a rescue dog that was moved all over the place and never really had a real home. When we first got him he kept running away, as I don’t think he truly believed we were going to keep him. It took some time before he settled in and stopped legging it. Ruby, we got from my sister Gillian after her dog had pups. My son Josh arrived home one night with her in his arms, and that was that. We have had Sam since he was a puppy. We thought he would be great company for Ruby as they are similar sizes, and I was right – he’s besotted with her! Last but not least, we got Zu Zu. My son Josh showed me a picture on Instagram one night of a Pomsky who was all white with big blue eyes. She was absolutely beautiful. He asked me if I fancied another dog and I said no initially, but I gave in like I always do. We drove down to Limerick to pick her up and I fell in love with her immediatel­y.

Four dogs is a lot! Are they difficult to handle sometimes?

To be honest, no. I feed them all at the same time and pack them all into the back of my car for walks. We go walking around huge fields, I can let three of them off the leads to lash around the place, but Azura I can’t. She gets distracted by rabbits and birds too easily, so if she took off I don’t think she’d find her way back.

All dogs have their own personalit­ies and quirks, what are yours like?

Finn is just a gentleman with a very kind and gentle soul. He loves his grub and anyone else’s for that matter! Nothing is safe left on the table. Ruby is very feisty and full of personalit­y. She’s really jealous of Zu Zu as they both fight for the spotlight. She is a typical terrier who loves her treats and licking your face. Sam is a bit like the middle child. He asks for nothing and just blends in, but he is a big softie who loves cuddles. He follows Ruby everywhere and I don’t think he would survive without her. Azura is the most beautiful dog I have ever seen.

She is sharp as a blade, really affectiona­te and when I go out she just sits in the window waiting for me to come home. She sleeps on the bed beside me with her head on my pillow.

Have you always been a dog person?

Yes I have, I grew up with dogs all my life and couldn’t imagine it without them.

What do your dogs mean to you?

In a nutshell they mean the world to me, and I love them all. They are cherished family members who bring a huge amount of happiness and love into our lives. They offer company, loyalty, and endless entertainm­ent, and they make me feel safe and secure if I’m at home on my own. All four of them are my shadows, I can’t go anywhere in the house without them following me – not even to the loo!

What advice would you have for anyone who is considerin­g getting a dog?

If you can’t invite a dog into your home and love and treat them like family, don’t get one. I can’t fathom how people could buy a dog just to leave it on its own outside, to me that is beyond cruel.

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Valerie with Finn, left, and Azura, right
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