RTÉ Guide

TALKING TO: Dominic Brunt (Paddy Kirk in Emmerdale)

The long- time resident talks about coping with the death of his baby, Grace


How has the death of Grace affected Paddy and Chas’s relationsh­ip?

They were very strong together during the pregnancy, both going through the same experience and were there to support each other. However, they have been hit by enormous grief, which has left a massive hole in their lives and they are coping very differentl­y. I don’t think you can decide how you are going to grieve in a situation like this. Paddy refuses to open up and let his feelings out but Chas sees that as him not being supportive, so she thinks she is grieving by herself.

Has Paddy gone back to work too soon?

Definitely, but he wants to take his mind off the loss and he hopes that work will help with that and that time would do its thing while he muddles through. But it hasn’t worked out like that, even though he has support in work. The vet’s practice is in financial trouble and it is important for Paddy that the problems are not hidden. He is an adult, he can cope and might even be able to help.

What is the problem with work?

Well there is a new vets surgery and the Emmerdale Vets has been the only one in the area but now there is competitio­n and people are leaving to try out the new place. I mean it’s called Bargain Vets so what’s not to like?

Will Paddy open up to Chas about how he is feeling?

He can’t, he is terrified of his feelings. At the funeral he is calm and comes across as very cold and stoic but he is scared of opening up and messing everything up for him and Chas if he is not strong. Of course, he is wrong.

Is their relationsh­ip at risk?

Yeah, definitely. Of course, I know the outcome and cannot say anything! But it is a rocky road.

Are you pleased at how this dark storyline has gone?

I am really pleased because we would have done a terrible disservice to the reality of a baby’s death if we had moved on too quickly. It’s uncomforta­ble and it needs to be done.

As a result of this story you have been longlisted for a National Television Award – are you glad it is for this story?

Yes, I am thrilled. It’s an enormous deal. I have never been nominated. I would love to win. It’s been an honour to work on this story.

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