RTÉ Guide

Gut Busting Tips for Men


It’s often said that an apple a day keeps the doctor away, but men will often put o a visit to the GP when they have a health problem. We’ve put together some top tips for men to improve their health:

Who says size doesn’t matter?

Excess weight, especially around your middle, seriously adds to your health risks. Losing just 10% of your weight can improve your health.

Watch your waist

A waist measuremen­t over 37 inches (94cm) puts your health at increased risk. The risk is even higher if your waistline is over 40 inches (102cm)

Eat a balanced diet

This means plenty of starchy foods and fruit and vegetables, some protein and dairy and limiting sugary and fatty foods, such as fizzy drinks and chocolate.

Get active

Aim for 30 minutes physical activity at least five days a week. You don’t have to go to a gym – just choose an activity that you like and can fit into your routine – anything that makes the heart beat a little faster or brings a sweat to your brow, such as walking briskly, cycling, gardening or mowing the lawn or DIY

Eat fewer takeaways & choose healthily

If you love Chinese food, opt for stir-fried dishes and avoid deep-fried dishes such as battered sweet and sour chicken and have

boiled rice rather than fried rice. Choose tomato-based sauces rather than cream-based sauces when ordering pasta-based dishes and choose pizza toppings such as vegetables rather than meat.

Eat regular meals

Start the day with a healthy breakfast and have healthy options for lunch and dinner. Include healthy snacks between meals such as fruit and plain popcorn.

Rethink your drink

Alcohol contains a lot of calories so think about cutting down on the amount you drink, drink alternativ­es or drink water between drinks. Aim for no more than 14 standard drinks per week with some alcohol-free days (1 standard drink = ½ pint beer; small glass of wine; 1 pub measure of spirits)

Think long term, not quick fix Make gradual changes to your diet and lifestyle that you can really stick to. Introduce changes slowly: for example, aim to eat breakfast most days one week and then all days the next, and then work on another area such as snacks. When it comes to physical activity, for example, get off the bus a stop earlier and walk the rest of the journey, then try to walk further each week.

Don’t wait until you’ve been diagnosed with a health problem before you take action! Weight loss will give you more energy and help to improve everything from your health and looks to your confidence and love life.

For more informatio­n and tips on healthy eating and weight loss visit weigh2live.eu)

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