RTÉ Guide

5 common excuses for not exercising


1. I am too old

You are never too old to start exercising! The Operation Transforma­tion plan is built for all tness levels, just take the exercise sessions at your own pace and if you are concerned, visit your GP before you start. Ageing healthily and some strength-based training is the best way you can improve your health at any age, just start slow and build it up!

2. I am too unfit

No matter how un t you are, you are never too un t to start. You just need to make small changes to your health, small changes that will get easier over time and enable you to progress to harder workouts that deliver even more bene ts. Any exercise will improve your tness and your health and you will be amazed at how the body can change over time and improve, so just start small, build it up as you feel you can and watch what happens.

3. It’s too hard

Intensive exercise programmes can be too hard, leaving you sore and demotivate­d. The Operation Transforma­tion plan is built for all tness levels, gradually becomes more di cult each week, ensuring that you don’t get too sore. Jumping into a routine when you haven’t exercised for a long time always puts you at risk, so aim to follow a plan like the OT one which helps you get tter the right way each week. If you nd it too di cult, then reduce the repetition­s of the exercise or the sets and increase the number of breaks you take.

4. I don’t know where to start

This can actually be the scariest part of exercise for so many people: where to start and what to do. The reality is that starting with something you enjoy is good. Then ensure that this progresses as you get tter. The OT plan is built with structure for each leader, for their tness and body type. You can work out which type most resembles you and follow their plan, taking you week by week through a free eight-week programme of resistance training and cardiovasc­ular work, taking all of the guess work out of it for you!

5. I might get injured

For anyone of any tness level or age, there is always a risk of injury. But you reduce this risk by following the right plan, stretching at the end of each session, taking a break when you need it, resting when required and also seeking a GP check up before you start exercising too. Listen to your body and it will guide you and don’t be afraid to rest up when needs be! If you do get an injury, follow the RICE principles of REST, ICE, COMPRESSIO­N and ELEVATION to speed your recovery.

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