RTÉ Guide

Horoscope What’s in your stars?

Your horoscopes with Sarah Delamere Hurding


Taurus April 21 – May 21

Call: 1560940002 €1.27 per min. (Daily)* Call: 1560942789 €1.27 per min. (Weekly)*

You could make a big fuss, but how far will it get you? Accept the shape of things. The way of the world is not always pretty – not by a long chalk. Learn a lesson. Make your own truth and integrity count for something. It’s the only thing you have any control over after all. As long as you can look yourself straight in the eye, all will be well. Did reality jump up and hit you between the eyes, in a good way? Destiny has some surprises in store, but you must keep a level head. Prepare for a rainy day even while you enjoy the sunny times.

Gemini May 22 – June 22

Call: 1560940003 €1.27 per min. (Daily)* Call: 1560942790 €1.27 per min. (Weekly)* Now is not the time to stand on ceremony, but a smidgen of discipline would not go amiss. There is never a justificat­ion for aggression. A perfectly placed strategy does not have to involve any kind of imposition. Don’t be tempted to dictate terms to anyone. Tread lightly throughout an explosive situation. The traps have been well placed. Be a hero and save the day. Trust your intuition and be assured that recent decisions were correct.

Cancer June 23 – July 23

Call: 1560940004 €1.27 per min. (Daily)* Call: 1560942791 €1.27 per min. (Weekly)*

You are being urged to assess your current position. Accept this challenge and reflect a while… fall asleep, even! There isn’t half as much of a rush on as you think. You are in a good place. Make the necessary repairs to the game plan. Restore your equilibriu­m and the state of play will rebalance in your favour. Life reflects your expectatio­ns. Do you need to change them? Someone is trying to understand and help you. Be a bit more grateful and accepting, maybe?

Aries March 21 – April 20

Call: 1560940001 €1.27 per min. (Daily)* Call: 1560942788 €1.27 per min. (Weekly)* Savour your status and good fortune. Some things can be overlooked quite safely. It all adds to the fun at the end of the day. This is no time for complacenc­y but do relax a bit. Ephemeral moments come and go, but you will sail on for better or for worse. Long may you thrive and prosper. Watch your back: you don’t want to trip yourself up or fall into a trap. It is all very well to be so sure of yourself, but don’t lead others on or take advantage of your position. Someone you used to care about is perturbed and possibly even suffering in silence. See behind that brave face and feel the pain. Be careful not to protest too much – it’s a give-away!


July 24 – August 23

Call: 1560940005 €1.27 per min. (Daily)* Call: 1560942792 €1.27 per min. (Weekly)*

You may have to make more nifty moves, but play to win at all times. Run with the hand you were dealt. The many choices you thought were yours have evaporated. Keep it simple and stick to the original plan. Everything will work out for the best. Loved ones need their independen­ce, so make progress in your own sweet way and take your time. Straightfo­rward moves work every time. Get a different perspectiv­e on an old problem. Things will certainly look better in the morning.


August 24 – September 23

Call: 1560940006 €1.27 per min. (Daily)* Call: 1560942793 €1.27 per min (Weekly)*

Tap into your courageous spirit. Yes, it’s still in there somewhere… Let honesty be your armour. Truth is your shield and the gift of the gab your sword! I know the ‘pen is mightier than the sword’, but the spoken word will do in this instance. Confront the enemy – or whoever it is you have come to perceive as such. There is another way to look at what has happened. Use your imaginatio­n to make a good impression. Confrontat­ion is to be avoided at all costs. Where will that get you?

Libra September 24 – October 23

Call: 1560940007 €1.27 per min. (Daily)* Call: 1560942794 €1.27 per min. (Weekly)* Have a little more faith in life’s process and don’t try to control things. Everything will work out just perfectly soon enough. Exciting life changes are at hand. Don’t pre-empt what is about to happen, but one thing is for sure, things will never be the same again. Be assured that the outcome is positive if you deal creatively with whatever is presenting itself to you. You have the full range of resources to cope, so long as you don’t panic. Recent events will bring out the best in you.


October 24 – November 22

Call: 1560940008 €1.27 per min. (Daily)* Call: 1560942795 €1.27 per min. (Weekly)*

You must take on board the lessons from the past. Watch for where patterns that have not yet been dealt with are repeating. Be proactive and use your recent breakthrou­gh to inspire you. Your energy levels may one minute be jumping, the next, you are liable to feel deflated. You have stood the test of time in many respects and now you will begin to see evidence of your karmic reward.

Sagittariu­s November 23 – December 21

Call: 1560940009 €1.27 per min. (Daily)* Call: 1560942796 €1.27 per min. (Weekly)* Take note of your dreams as you must listen to your heart and soul to get things right at this point. Life will put an interestin­g spin on things: if you are single this is an optimal time to meet someone interestin­g and hopefully captivatin­g. You will have to give things half a chance to settle down. Appreciate your psychologi­cal complexity and you may get close to the truth of what really matters.

Capricorn December 22 – January 20

Call: 1560940010 €1.27 per min. (Daily)* Call: 1560942797 €1.27 per min. (Weekly)* Delegate a little more and stop trying to do everything at once. Certain things will wait, and there is time enough! Observe subtle changes and nuances in relationsh­ips and make smart adjustment­s. Your breakthrou­gh is on the way. Mellow out and be mindful that things will get hectic again soon enough. Dig deep and be creative. Keep your cool and don’t lose the head. Be patient, especially with family stuff.

Aquarius January 21 – February 19

Call: 1560940011 €1.27 per min. (Daily)* Call: 1560942798 €1.27 per min. (Weekly)*

If you are determined, nothing will stand in your way: just don’t gloss over problems, or they will come back to haunt you. It is time for some serious fun. You may have underestim­ated a particular person. There is no need to panic, but there is a need to pay attention and get it right this time. Tedious concerns will tie you down. Do what you can, but don’t let your enjoyment of life be marred by draining demands.

Pisces February 20 – March 20

Call: 1560940012 €1.27 per min. (Daily)* Call: 1560942799 €1.27 per min. (Weekly)* Ignore practical setbacks; you are being tested. When was the last time life really let you down? Remember you are always looked after in the nick of time. There is no reason why this should not continue to be so. You quite like living on the edge, anyhow. Boredom is not an option. Get organised and as always you are a force to reckon with: nothing is ever going to change there! Be alert though and don’t take things for granted.

 ??  ?? Rob Kearney, March 26, 1986
Rob Kearney, March 26, 1986

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