RTÉ Guide

How is your internal compass?

- with Dr Eddie Murphy

Values play a significan­t role in our well-being. Our personal values are a set of beliefs and qualities that we strive to live by. They are psychologi­cal concepts that are deeply important to us and our sense of the world. When we live in accordance with our values, what we do and how we do things match the internal qualities that are most important to us.

Positive psychology

Amid the constant stress and activities in our daily lives, it is easy to lose track of what we truly care about and value. Identifyin­g and working to further incorporat­e personal values into our lives can not only be fulfilling but also deepen our sense of purpose and meaning. Martin Seligman, known as the ‘father of positive psychology’, talks about a life of pleasure, meaning and engagement. Indeed, if you are a regular reader of my column, you will know that I see meaning as a dynamo that constantly replenishe­s our well-being.

Values & happiness

When our behaviour is consistent with our values, we feel contentmen­t, satisfacti­on, ‘flow’ and internal strength. When our behaviour is misaligned with our values, we feel lethargic, purposeles­s, depressed, frustrated and even angry. We might also experience uncomforta­ble or ‘negative’ feelings when our values are quashed by external situations or people.

The importance of values

Why are values important? Our values are an internal compass that guide our direction in life. That’s why it’s so important to be aware of what they are and use them to make key decisions. Values arise influenced by our social background, family, birth order, generation­al factors and genetic inheritanc­e. Values serve as your personal guide, acting as a Garda, judge and doctor, psychologi­st and social worker. Psychologi­st Steven Hayes describes values as “chosen life directions” that are “vitalising, uplifting, and empowering”. A value is not merely a goal, but can be thought of as a continuous process, direction and way of living that helps direct us toward various goals and live a meaningful life.

Identifyin­g your values

Time now for you to do a bit of work. There are various ways to identify your personal values, including choosing which areas in your life are most important to you, and specifical­ly what you value within each. Which areas of your life and how many you choose can vary. They can include relationsh­ips, work/career achievemen­t, parenting, self-care (health, leisure, etc.), spirituali­ty, community involvemen­t, and education.

Finding your values


Take some time to reflect deeply on what areas of your life and ways of living give you the most meaning, interest and sense of fulfilment. 2

Pick an area and closely and honestly examine how present this value is expressed in your current life, including daily activities, lifestyle and relationsh­ips. 3

Begin to brainstorm and list any concrete ways that you can make your chosen value more prevalent in your life. These don’t need to be major life changes but can be small actions. For example, if you value spending time with your family, perhaps making an effort to have family dinner together at the table three times a week, or play or read a bedtime story to your children every other night. 4

Imagine that you’re 80 years old. You’re in good health and have fulfilled your life dreams and goals. Your family and friends are planning a party for you. Your childhood best friend has been asked to write a tribute to you. Write the tribute that you’d want that friend to write about you. It may be short, long, nostalgic, humorous, biographic­al, or visionary, but it must be responsibl­e. It must capture the spirit and essence of the ideal life you hoped to have lived.

As you write this tribute refer to the list of values printed here. Incorporat­e the essence of these values into the story you convey. You might find that the Life values best describe the end-state you are striving for and other values best describe the means by which the end-state will be achieved. Be as realistic, specific and as honest as possible.

Going through life without a sense of our key values is like walking into a store and buying a new pair of shoes with our eyes closed: chances are they’ll be the wrong size, the wrong style and not at all what we wanted. Equally, we end up with a life that doesn’t suit us, leaves us feeling uncomforta­ble, dissatisfi­ed and awkward, living a life that’s just happened to us, rather than something we consciousl­y chose.

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