RTÉ Guide

Sam’s story

On a recent visit to the set of Coronation Street in Manchester, Julie Lordan met Sam Robertson who spoke about his difficulti­es with fame and why he is happy that his character, Adam Barlow, is getting a romantic storyline


Adam Barlow has had a thing for Sarah Platt for a long time. But while she was with Gary Windass, nothing was going to happen. That’s all changed now that Sarah and Gary have split up. There seems to be a real chemistry between Sam and Tina O’Brien, the actress who plays Sarah. “Yeah, actually we’ve had this chat because most actors would say that chemistry is something that is difficult to manufactur­e. I mean pure on-screen chemistry. For example, I

have just finished watching Fleabag and the chemistry between the priest and the girl is amazing, and you know that it’s purely for the screen. Sometimes I have had scenes with actors, male and female, where it just doesn’t spark, but thankfully, with Tina it does,” says Sam.

“I don’t really know Tina offscreen, but myself and Mikey North (Gary Windass) are good mates and recently I said to him we would have to stop being friendly because when we go into character, I sometimes struggle to find that antagonism.” At the moment it is clear to viewers that Gary Windass has gone bad, but Adam is not aware of this as yet. Gary, as viewers do know, was responsibl­e for the collapse of the factory roof, resulting in the death of Rana, and he has now become a killer and a loan shark. But Adam simply sees Gary as his new girlfriend’s ex. “It’s funny, because I also watch Corrie and know exactly what Gary is up to, but my character knows very little and I have to remember that when doing scenes. I find it tricky,” says Sam. “I can’t give too much away, but something does happen soon which reveals a lot more about Gary’s past. But until August or September, Adam is in the dark.” Surprising­ly – but Sam doesn’t elaborate – he suspects that Adam and Gary could end up as bosom buddies.

Adam Barlow is the son of Mike Baldwin, who was Weatherfie­ld’s resident bad boy for three decades up to 2006. Long-time fans will remember Mike’s naughty ways; all has changed since then of course – Mike never killed anyone. But he was always scheming and had a lifelong rivalry with Ken Barlow. Ken is Adam’s grandfathe­r.“I am watching the old Corries at the moment, the ones with Mike Baldwin, and it’s fascinatin­g to see,” says Sam. “I have been influenced by Johnny Briggs playing Mike: he got that balance between arrogance and vulnerabil­ity just right and that’s what I try to do,” says Sam.

Sam reveals that the writers would like Adam and Gary to have a rivalry like Mike and Ken’s. Adam would be the ‘Mike’ but as Sam says “Gary is a lot more sinister than Ken ever was so we’ll have to see how that works out.”

Sam was off the screens for ten weeks recently but it was always clear that Adam would return. Sam needed a break and was due to attend a friend’s wedding in Sydney. Sam appreciate­s how lucky he was to get the time off, which involved writing him out for a while. “Yeah, I was very lucky. I was in a bit of a strange head-space before I went away. Acting takes over your whole life in a lot of ways. That was getting to me and the intrusion into my private life when I wasn’t working was something I had to decide if I wanted long term. I needed a fresh perspectiv­e.” Did he get that? “Yeah, 100%. Whenever I have been down in the dumps at home, I dreamed of living in Sydney, but when I was there, as great as it was, the reality was different to the fantasy. I realised I had a great job in Corrie and my life wasn’t bad at all. I knew if I could deal with the intrusion that comes with it I would be fine,” says Sam.

“Mikey deals with the intrusion really well, and is cool with everyone. My mood dictates how I deal with the public, so what I’ve realised over time is that it’s part of the job and I am just going to have to accept it. I’m never going to have a night out really without someone coming up to me and asking for a selfie. Once I changed my attitude about this and realised it was no big deal, it has become easier,” says Sam. Does he think that Adam and Sarah will be there for the longterm? “Well, we have already had scenes where they have been to one another’s homes as partners. For us, those scenes were a big deal because we realised we were a proper couple in the Street. As far as I’m aware, the producers have always been keen to have something going on between the Platts and the Barlows. It’s fair to say they are the number one and number two famiilies on the Street,” says Sam.

Sam’s contract is up for renewal at the end of the year and he is honest about his hopes “I would really like to stay. I have just gotten so comfortabl­e with the character, and the storylines, so I’m very happy to stay,” he says. “The scope for this character is endless, his history is so interestin­g, and there are so many ways it can go – babies and wedding bells perhaps, who knows?”

I can’t give too much away, but something does happen soon which reveals a lot more about Gary’s past. But until August or September, Adam is in the dark

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