RTÉ Guide

What’s in your stars?


Leo July 24 – August 23

Call: 1560940005 €1.27 per min. (Daily)* Call: 1560942792 €1.27 per min. (Weekly)*

Spark up and look on the bright side. All is not lost: things are progressin­g a lot faster than you think. Slowly but surely, success is creeping up on you. You may not be able to see when the breaks are coming, but trust me, they are hovering in the ether, waiting to land. Be patient: you will be delighted with the outcome. If you scramble to make events occur, you will just sabotage the process. A better sense of direction arises when you let things be, and respond only when it is absolutely clear what you should do.

Aries March 21 – April 20

Call: 1560940001 €1.27 per min. (Daily)* Call: 1560942788 €1.27 per min. (Weekly)*

Romance, love and sex are desirable experience­s, but be careful where you look for them. Wait until everything comes together, for you will feel frustrated, annoyed and shortchang­ed if you find any of them in isolation. In theory, though, plenty would be grateful for even some small bite of the cherry! Patience is a virtue: exercise some of it. Many areas of your life will benefit from a bit of restraint.

Taurus April 21 – May 21

Call: 1560940002 €1.27 per min. (Daily)* Call: 1560942789 €1.27 per min. (Weekly)* Many of your wishes will soon be granted. You have passed many of life’s tests lately. There are more lessons to come, but do not panic. Surrender control to a higher force. The universe knows better than you in most things. True, you have learned a lot in the last while. Love is all you need and you have many blessings to celebrate. Watch out for the issues arising, which are a bit tricky to deal with.

Gemini May 22 – June 22

Call: 1560940003 €1.27 per min. (Daily)* Call: 1560942790 €1.27 per min. (Weekly)*

Karmic issues will surface whether you want to acknowledg­e them or not. You will have to unstick some sticky situations. The best way to do this is to use your intuition. Act smoothly and responsibl­y in the moment, but do not react blindly. There is an important distinctio­n. In all things, hold your head high and keep your dignity. Things may get complicate­d, it is true, but you are a real trooper.

Cancer June 23 – July 23

Call: 1560940004 €1.27 per min. (Daily)* Call: 1560942791 €1.27 per min. (Weekly)*

A bit of slap and tickle could have you laughing all the way to the bank. There will be investment opportunit­ies and mischief from unexpected quarters. Take your time but do not miss out on what is on offer. Be careful though, and make sure you have the correct terms understood. I would like to be a fly on the wall when the truth of a certain connection comes out.

Virgo August 24 – September 23

Call: 1560940006 €1.27 per min. (Daily)* Call: 1560942793 €1.27 per min (Weekly)*

Get out that dustpan and brush. It is very important to clear the decks, and a lot of emotional and psychic debris from your life. You need to clear up a whole lot, and quickly. Look for clarity in all things, and where something is not yet clear, ask some questions. Are past experience­s, near misses and ‘if onlys’ holding you back? Ditch negative ruminating or you risk confining your progress.

Libra September 24 – October 23

Call: 1560940007 €1.27 per min. (Daily)* Call: 1560942794 €1.27 per min. (Weekly)*

Lap up the genuine attention heading your way. You will be singled out in all the ways you have been wishing for, but be careful not to be too pushy. Let people and opportunit­ies come to you. Be primed and ready, just not impatient. Trust that the right things are on the way. Believe your dreams and follow the beating of your heart. Not much can go wrong if you take note of your instinctua­l responses.

Scorpio October 24 – November 22

Call: 1560940008 €1.27 per min. (Daily)* Call: 1560942795 €1.27 per min. (Weekly)*

Turn your life around! The onus really is on you at this point. There is no benefit from casting the blame around. At this point you have to take responsibi­lity for what you did or did not do. Let the past go now and make sure you have a different approach in the future. That is all you can do really.

Sagittariu­s November 23 – December 21

Call: 1560940009 €1.27 per min. (Daily)* Call: 1560942796 €1.27 per min. (Weekly)*

No one can surpass you when push comes to shove. It is important to know your own worth. Act on what is presenting to you, and do not question it too much. Is your head in a spin? What got under your skin? Regain your balance and clarity for your own sake. There is no point getting fired up in the wrong direction: when in doubt, do nowt!

Capricorn December 22 – January 20

Call: 1560940010 €1.27 per min. (Daily)* Call: 1560942797 €1.27 per min. (Weekly)*

Take the time and space to know your own mind. Wonderful things are about to happen. Accept the magic that will surely come your way and prepare for mysterious events. Very little is going to happen as you expect, but it’s all good! Expect the best without projecting your ‘take’ onto how you think things should be! Remain clear, honest and true.

Aquarius January 21 – February 19

Call: 1560940011 €1.27 per min. (Daily)* Call: 1560942798 €1.27 per min. (Weekly)*

Use your imaginatio­n and humour to stay ahead of the game. It is not appropriat­e to take things quite so seriously. Fret not! Life will flow better for you if you give up expecting everything to go your way. Some things certainly will: trust for the rest. We are all one, so there is not much point being antagonist­ic or reacting to those who are ‘in-your-face’.

Pisces February 20 – March 20

Call: 1560940012 €1.27 per min. (Daily)* Call: 1560942799 €1.27 per min. (Weekly)*

Be philosophi­cal about the changes taking place. There is a new and unexpected future taking shape. You may feel uneasy not knowing what is going on, but if you keep a level head and do not panic, things will work out just fine. Focus on the present and live fully in the moment. Remember, it is all we really have anyhow. The here and now is what counts.

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