RTÉ Guide

On the couch . . .

with RTÉ 2fm’s Keith Walsh


After studying acting, writing and film- making, Athlone- native Keith Walsh worked at Spin 103.8, Phantom and i105- 107. From 2015, Keith co- hosted RTÉ 2fm’s Breakfast Republic and now presents a selftitled show on 2fm on weekend afternoons

Who controls the remote in your house?

It depends. At weekends, I’d have to say me because if I’m at home and there’s sport on, any kind of sport, I’ll be watching it. At Coronation Street time, my wife takes over. Recently, Love Island was on, so my 16-year-old daughter took over. There are a few shows we all watch together: First Dates, Fittest Families, Dancing with the Stars and The Late Late… never any rows when those are on.

What broadcaste­rs inspired you to get into the industry?

Dave Fanning, Gerry Ryan and Ian Dempsey were the ones I listened to growing up. Later it was the likes of Chris Evans and Johnny Vaughan. I was a massive fan of The Big Breakfast on Channel 4 and then TFI Friday. I loved the irreverent, knockabout style of Evans and Vaughan. I’m currently listening to a podcast of Conan O’Brien interviewi­ng Howard Stern: two kings of broadcasti­ng, and it’s glorious.

Are you a “telly on, laptop on the knees and phone for tweeting” over-load kind of person?

De nitely telly on with phone in hand – but no laptop. I think Twitter has improved the experience of watching telly: it’s communal, a shared experience. We can all watch Eurovision together and try to out-do each other with wisecracks about the lad from Belarus wearing lederhosen and singing a Russian-sounding folksong to a techno beat.

All-time favourite TV drama, comedy, soap, documentar­y and live TV event?

Tough question. Ireland beating Italy in USA ’94? Broadchurc­h? Game of Thrones? The Den? Nighthawks with Shay Healy? Riverdance on the Eurovision? Johnny Logan winning Eurovision? Almost every single hurling game I’ve ever watched? How can I choose? It’s unfair and I refuse.

Are there any genres of TV you just can’t abide?

I’d never watch a gardening show, it’s my idea of hell. Although if the choice was a show about gardening or do a bit of work on my own garden, I’d watch it then!

Would you agree that there aren’t enough Kildare accents on telly?

That’s racist! We do more Kildare accents on telly. Give Christy Moore a show: walking around Newbridge talking to people about the state of Kildare football. I’d love it.

Are there any shows you have on box-set, DVR or red button that you haven’t quite got round to watching?

The Wire was given to me by my sister and I haven’t watched it…and now don’t even have a DVD player so I’m never going to. Also don’t ever loan me anything because you’ll never get it back.

What TV show would translate well to radio – and vice-versa?

Ryan Tubridy could be really good on telly. They should give him a show on Friday nights.

What huge watercoole­r show have you not seen?

The Wire and Sopranos, to my shame. Watched Love Island last year but I’ve decided not to support it this year. I’m sure they’re worried!

 ??  ??
 ??  ?? The Wire
The Wire
 ??  ?? Nighthawks
 ??  ?? The Big Breakfast
The Big Breakfast
 ??  ?? Gerry Ryan
Gerry Ryan

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