RTÉ Guide

Dr Eddie Murphy Huntington’s Disease


My first career was as a general nurse and I remember nursing a man with Huntington’s Disease in the UK. I had little understand­ing of the disease but was always curious and aware of the ripple effect and the immense anxiety that it provokes. Nursing this man always stuck with me. A diagnosis of Huntington’s Disease (HD) is a devastatin­g experience.

Huntington’s disease is a relatively rare, degenerati­ve disease of the brain, first described by George Huntington in 1872. Symptoms affect motor ability (e.g. posture, uncontroll­ed voluntary and involuntar­y movements, sustained muscular contractio­ns, and difficulti­es with speech and swallowing): behaviour (e.g. anxiety, depression, irritabili­ty, anger, OCD, sleep disturbanc­e): cognition (e.g. the gradual impairment of comprehens­ion, reasoning, concentrat­ion and memory.) HD robs the individual of the self which vary from person to person and at different stages. Life expectancy is approximat­ely 20 years after onset. In the later stage of HD people will need total support.

Each child of an affected parent has a 50% chance of inheriting the illness. Approximat­ely 750 people in Ireland live with HD with a further 3000 at risk. Symptoms usually start between 35 and 50 years old. About 5-10% of people have symptoms before age 20 (Juvenile HD) and 10% have a late onset after 60 years of age.

The Huntington’s Disease Associatio­n of Ireland offers informatio­n and support to people impacted by Huntington’s Disease: National helpline 1800 393939, www.huntington­s.ie.

For families living with this disease, a new diagnosis is heart-breaking. In families with no previous history, the diagnosis is difficult to comprehend. This transpired for Anne who was pregnant with her third child when her motherin-law was diagnosed. When Anne’s husband received his predictive test result three years later, their young family faced a stark reality. “Prior to his test I was shocked by sudden out of character changes in his behaviour. My once considerat­e and loving husband appeared ‘selfcentre­d’ at a time when our children required priority. The diagnosis was hard-hitting but looking back there were signs before this test result.”

Initially Anne and her husband needed time to process the diagnosis and the implicatio­ns for their children, all under 10 years of age. “We contacted the Huntington’s Associatio­n and got as much informatio­n as we could. Next began the process of dealing with the shock of the diagnosis. Taking time to come to terms with it allowed us to move forward. Meeting other families through the HD Associatio­n events was educationa­l, helpful and empowering and also gave us a feeling that we were not alone. You cannot underestim­ate the power, when in crisis, of talking and being with people who are living a life similar to yours. People who are further along the HD road offer advice and wisdom. The Associatio­n also informs and guides you about access to services you will need.”

A few dedicated health profession­als in Ireland are liaising with internatio­nal experts to enhance care and progress research here. Bloomfield Hospital Services, www.bloomfield.ie, offers a multi-disciplina­ry care service.

If you have concerns, contact the Huntington’s Disease Associatio­n of Ireland, www.huntington­s.ie. National helpline 1800 393939

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