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Natalie Ann Jamieson, who plays Amy Wyatt in Emmerdale, talks about her character’s fledgling romance with Matty Barton

- with Julie Lord an

Nobody would begrudge Amy Wyatt a bit of good luck and now it seems that she could have found what she’s looking for in nice-guy Matty (Ash Palmiscian­o). It certainly has Amy excited at the prospects of what the future could hold.

When did Amy realised that she had romantic feelings towards Matty?

With everything that was going on with both of them going for the same job, she keeps getting Matty wrong. She keeps thinking that he’s doing things to spite her or to get one up on her, then every time he proves he was just doing it to be genuinely nice. I don’t think Amy has had much of that in her life, people who are just really good souls and they are not out for something of their own. Especially with partners, she’s had a bit of a bad run of luck in that sense. I think when she starts to see that Matty is a genuine and nice guy, she’s like, ‘Do you know what? I’m ready to have somebody who is genuinely good as a partner’ She thinks Matty is that person.

Amy and Matty get invited to the pizza tasting by Marlon. Does Amy get glammed up for a date?

She does! She basically gets forced by Nicola and Mandy who tells her, ‘You are not wearing that’ when she puts her first outfit on. So, she gets her gladrags on and gets all dolled up and puts a dress on. Then she bumps into Tracey who says, ‘What are you doing all dressed up?’ and then she doesn’t feel so great about doing that. It’s a bit of a step too far. I guess I can see Amy has been keeping herself to herself and not putting herself out that because she doesn’t want to draw attention to herself much in the village at this point. So, this is quite a brave step for Amy, to take a step forward with her life and to do something for her. So, she does, she gets all dressed up nicely and she goes along for her pizza date, but she doesn’t get a great response from Tracey.

Marlon ruins the date anyway by inviting other people, hasn’t he?

He does! Marlon says, ‘how can I make it better for making all this trouble with the pizza boxes? Why don’t you come around for pizza?’ and Amy is like, ‘What? That sounds rubbish’, but he says, ‘No, no for you and Matty!’ and then she’s like, ‘ That sounds great’ but when she turns up and it’s not just her and Matty then it’s back to being not so great.

Does Marlon realise there’s a romance bubbling along here?

Marlon is setting it up because he has figured out that Matty might have a bit of a spark for Amy, so he’s trying to help. He’s got this masterplan and then he thinks it might be a bit too much to have them there by themselves so decides to invite other people too, to make it more casual. But the people he invites are Sam and Tracey! So, it doesn’t work out well. He did try!

Does she get the vibe that Matty’s into her as well?

Yes! She thinks she’s got the vibe and she hopes she’s not mistaken. She’s chatting with Kerry, saying, ‘I think I’ve got this right’, but she’s in two minds. She’s noticed that he might quite like her, and there’s been some flirting going on. She hopes she’s barking up the right tree?

Do you think if Matty found out about Frank’s death, it would change things?

It’s always an interestin­g thing with Emmerdale. You look at the different characters and think, ‘What would they say if they found out?’ and then you think about what they are already hiding for themselves or from other people. Then you start to think, ‘Wow! They couldn’t really take the moral high ground, could they?’ He might be the perfect person to find out, but you never know how people will react.

Have any fans reacted to the possibilit­y of a Matty and Amy romance?

Not a huge amount, but a few people have said, ‘ They would be good together’ but I don’t think they’ve spotted yet that it might go in that direction, but a few people have said it. There is the little complicati­on of Matty having the thing with Victoria when Amy wasn’t back yet. That is her best friend, as well. I don’t think Vic would mind, it might be a bit of a ‘but you were in love with Vic, though’ from Amy to Matty.

““Amy has been keeping herself to herself and not putting herself out that because she doesn’t want to draw attention to herself much in the village

Anything coming up that you are really excited about?

I’d love to see Amy and Matty to get together, that’d be really cute. I love everything that’s going on with Dawn at the moment, it’s just incredible - (Dawn killed Malone). I’m looking forward to seeing how that all unfolds and how that character deals with it. For support, Amy had Kerry and now Dawn has got Harriet there, but I’m sure it’ll play out that they’ll deal with it in different ways. She’s a character who can spiral and hit rock bottom and there are incredible things that could happen there.

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 ??  ?? Amy and Tracey never seem to hit it off
Amy and Tracey never seem to hit it off
 ??  ?? Eyes for Matty
Eyes for Matty
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