RTÉ Guide

Ryan’s line Ryan Tubridy tells Claire O’Mahony why the new Late Late season will be different, and reflects on his health and why he ‘‘feels nesty’’

He was one of the highest profile people to catch Covid- 19, but as Ryan Tubridy tells Claire O’Mahony, he’s in good health and eager to get the new season of The Late Late Show started


While we are still far from back to normal, new or otherwise, there are some things which remind us that the year still turns. e kids are back in school – although it’s a changed classroom experience for them – and e Late Late Show is returning on September 4. Ryan Tubridy is more than ready to get back into the hot seat a er a restorativ­e three-week break, for what is likely to be an interestin­g season. Certainly, what came before it was a challengin­g time in television by anyone’s reckoning, and looking back, Tubridy describes it as “de nitely the most peculiar season of the Late Late that I can recall.” It kicked o , prescientl­y as it would turn out, with a ‘thank you’ to the emergency services. en Gay Byrne died in November, 2019. “We couldn’t believe it. He was such an important person, he was a friend of mine, he was a mentor and suddenly, we were doing a tribute show to him in the middle of the week. It was just so desperate. I had to try and grieve and present the show, do my radio show and be a dad; it was intense,” he says. In the weeks that followed, the deaths of two other broadcasti­ng legends, Marian Finucane and Larry Gogan, also occurred.

en Covid-19 struck. “ e warning bells started to come in March and the next thing I realised, I’m telling people at home how to wash their hands. Dr Sarah [Doyle] and myself at two sinks,” he recalls. “Initially, when I saw that segment, I said ‘What are we doing, telling people how

to wash their hands?’ en during the rehearsals, somebody said to me ‘We’ve just heard word that it’s much more serious than anyone realises’ and I thought ‘OK, enough of the messing. Get down to business.’ Our job now was to deliver the message and make sure everyone is safe, to talk to people and try and help the frontline services get the word out there in terms of the seriousnes­s of it and how important it is that we all work together. Suddenly, the show was transforme­d into the Late Late Covid season and it was remarkable.”

Initially, he found it strange not being in front of a live studio audience, but soon, Ryan discovered this had bene ts. “Many of the guests we had on were actually proving to be better interviewe­es with no audience. Some guests are kind of introverte­d, if you like, where the audience freaks them out so no audience suits them,” he explains. “And with that in mind, I decided, ‘OK this is now an enormous radio show in a studio that’s built for TV and suddenly I was talking to my guests like we were on the radio. I’m very comfortabl­e on the radio; in a way, with a live studio audience, you’re a di erent type of presenter. So I think it brought out the best in me, which meant I brought out the best in the guests so everyone at home got the best show possible – everybody won.”

Of course, he was also very aware of the bigger picture. “ e gures of people dying in the country were enormous. e fear in the country was also enormous, so I didn’t care about the frivolous end of how the chat show was put together. e audience? No. One for everyone in the audience? Gone, don’t care. Audience members can’t be there? at’s correct, it’s the right thing to do. So suddenly, it was almost like a wartime chat show, if you can have such a thing, where it was, can we all pull together? Yes. Can we get this guest? Yes. And they did. Every week, the team pulled together and they brought on these amazing guests. We just got used to the Zoom calls, we got used to the no crowd.”

Ryan was unlucky enough to catch Covid-19 at the end of March. He describes his experience of it as “very fortunate.” A er developing a persistent cough, he tested positive and went into quarantine at home. He subsequent­ly returned to work without any of the long-term a er e ects that have hit a signi cant number of people who had the disease. When he went on holidays this summer, spending ten days in Clifden in his beloved Connemara and then on to Kerry to revisit some of his favourite spots along the Wild Atlantic Way, he made a point of switching o . “I went o Instagram; I didn’t WhatsApp work or anything like that. I kept an eye on the news but I read books, played board games and had great fun.” A er that reboot, it was back home to pay bills, do laundry and all the mundane stu . “I’m quite nesty,” he says. “I like the house in order for the autumn. I Iike to have the fuel in the shed and I like to have everything clean – almost like a spring clean but in August.”

What does he miss about pre-Covid life? “I probably miss a bit of foreign travel, but not too much of it. e Covid situation kind of suits me because I’m very much a homebird and I love Ireland, so going to Connemara wasn’t a big ask for me. I would have gone anyway.

I watched Hamilton, and I really enjoyed it – the girls [his daughters Ella (21) and Julia (15)] – loved it too and I thought I’d love to go over to London and see that on the stage. I miss that. I miss a gig; I miss a good concert and few beers at the concert. I miss the pub but I totally accept the sacri ce and I’m going to play this game until we see it to a happy conclusion.”

He thinks his family have coped brilliantl­y with the new normal. “ e girls, for me, have been just remarkable – their stoicism and their ability

“Suddenly, the show was transforme­d into the Late Late Covid season and it was remarkable “

to adapt,” he says. “ rough their friends, I see the young people in this country; they got a raw deal, they’re missing out on a lot of rsts, a lot of experience­s, but my God, they’re doing it with a smile.”

As to what he can reveal about the new season of the Late Late, Ryan won’t give away much. But he highlights that there will be no audience. “ at’s important to me for a message to people at home. If you can’t meet in any numbers, why should we and until you can’t, we won’t.” He believes that this year’s Toy Show is going to be the most important they’ve ever done. “ e children of this country have been so good and have been given such a raw deal in their young lives; we feel that we’ve a role in o ering them a night o the virus, like they haven’t had for a long time. We are putting everything, every piece of us into that, heart and soul.” As for the show itself, there will be a catalogue of big names, Zoom interviews and the best of Irish music coming into studio. “We’ll always bring something into people’s living rooms on a Friday night and we’ll always endeavour to make it fascinatin­g, engaging, informativ­e and entertaini­ng.”

He’s aware that the road ahead is not an easy one. During the previous season, reading the mood of the nation was pivotal in how the show functioned and it became apparent that people looked to the Late Late for clarity, for guidance and for informatio­n. “We found that people were saying to us that the show, in a world gone blurry, was like a signpost in the fog saying ‘Friday this way – wash your hands, cough into your elbow’ and so on,” he says. “We got very positive feedback but we have a massive challenge ahead of us this autumn; there’s no doubt about it. It’s di erent. Initially, it was this great national e ort and everyone’s in it together. I just feel that’s changed a little bit, but we won’t know. It’s changing day to day so we won’t know until show time on Friday the 4th.”

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