RTÉ Guide

Star of the week

Colm Meaney, May 30, 1953


Aries March 21 – April 20 CALL: 1560940001 €1.27 PER MIN. (DAILY)* CALL: 1560942788 €1.27 PER MIN. (WEEKLY)*

It is probably about time you accepted responsibi­lity for being wrong about something. Isn’t it? There may well have been a few blind spots on the highway of your life of late. Be fair to yourself and others. Has someone had the last laugh? Prepare for some fun and games as you try to sort out the confusion. Remember that much of life encapsulat­es the boomerang, karmic effect. What you dish out, be it amusing, witty or rather unkind, will come back to haunt you.

Taurus April 21 – May 21 CALL: 1560940002 €1.27 PER MIN. (DAILY)* CALL: 1560942789 €1.27 PER MIN. (WEEKLY)*

Unless you think quickly, embarrassm­ent will be your bedfellow! It is all very well making a point, but do not set yourself up in the process. Someone thinks of you fondly. Try not to regret or judge the past too much. Your charm can get you out of most things, but not the current dilemma that is kicking off around you. You will find the answers for sure. Just be cute as you go about your business.

Cancer June 23 – July 23 CALL: 1560940004 €1.27 PER MIN. (DAILY)* CALL: 1560942791 €1.27 PER MIN. (WEEKLY)*

You have a way to go and at present, it is not clear in what direction you should travel. Use your intuitive antennae to fathom unchartere­d waters and get on with what you do best. Live a little and worry less. Very shortly, you will be swept off your feet in a highly unlikely manner. You like to remain in control, but something is about to knock you for six. Gossip or scandal will catch your attention, but keep out of it as much as is humanly possible.

Gemini May 22 – June 22 CALL: 1560940003 €1.27 PER MIN. (DAILY)* CALL: 1560942790 €1.27 PER MIN. (WEEKLY)*

You need some magic and intrigue in your life, now your Solar New Year is underway. You deserve something to look forward to. Trust me, it is on the way. Do not be tempted to repeat mistakes in the haste to come up with answers. Not a good idea. There is a price to pay for pushing the boat out and living beyond the extremes of your endurance. In all things, look after yourself. Excess is all very well but it does not leave you very well at the end of the day.

Leo July 24 – August 23 CALL: 1560940005 €1.27 PER MIN. (DAILY)* CALL: 1560942792 €1.27 PER MIN. (WEEKLY)*

Justice is served and someone receives their comeuppanc­e. It is timely to communicat­e your wishes and focus upon your long-term dreams. In a way, there is only one person who can make it all happen, and that is you. The grass is always greener? No! Stop looking over your shoulder at the deep distant past and surrender your dreams to heaven. Divine inspiratio­n can be yours. Turn your attention to conducive thoughts and feelings.

Virgo August 24 – September 23 CALL: 1560940006 €1.27 PER MIN. (DAILY)* CALL: 1560942793 €1.27 PER MIN (WEEKLY)*

Do not fret too much. Present a positive image to the world regardless of your inner turmoil. You will thus impress the faces who can bring you peace of mind. Hold onto your composure. Hope for the best in all that you do. Keep the faith and surrender your little will to the guidance of the stars. Life has a happy way of teaching us the lessons we signed up for, so do not fret if things are going pear-shaped. The bigger picture looks great.

Libra September 24 – October 23 CALL: 1560940007 €1.27 PER MIN. (DAILY)* CALL: 1560942794 €1.27 PER MIN. (WEEKLY)*

Speak freely from the heart and express your feelings fully. You will be sorry if you miss a genuine chance to connect. It is not the time to be backward about coming forward, that is for sure. Therefore, optimise your impact on the world and follow a long-standing dream. You are looking good. Believe the hype. The more you put in at this stage, the greater your return will be. Get groovy and romantic when it counts.

Scorpio October 24 – November 22 CALL: 1560940008 €1.27 PER MIN. (DAILY)* CALL: 1560942795 €1.27 PER MIN. (WEEKLY)*

Be careful to check your motivation in matters of the heart. The more honest you can be…the more likely it is that you will meet your soulmate. Do not despair if you are currently single; simply affirm what you are looking for from moment to moment, and I promise you the universe will meet your request. If you are already spoken for, do not get complacent. Rediscover each other and be grateful for what you have found.

Sagittariu­s November 23 – December 21 CALL: 1560940009 €1.27 PER MIN. (DAILY)* CALL: 1560942796 €1.27 PER MIN. (WEEKLY)*

Take definite action to ensure that things run smoothly. You are at your most powerful. Speak up to enchant someone special. You can weave your magic without even thinking about it. Simply be your good self, and watch the offers roll in. Be open to the luck that can be yours, and do not ‘block’ the good stuff. Your attitude is crucial. Use the best aspects of your personalit­y to great effect.

Capricorn December 22 – January 20 CALL: 1560940010 €1.27 PER MIN. (DAILY)* CALL: 1560942797 €1.27 PER MIN. (WEEKLY)*

Do not be down-hearted, for the best is yet to come. It really must be ever onwards and upwards for you. Healing and a reconnecti­on is. Look for opportunit­ies to spread your wings. Jump at invitation­s and embrace all possibilit­ies. But be selective if you are single. If in doubt, do not rush in too quickly. Well, not quite yet anyway! Wait a while until you have a measure of what you need.

Aquarius January 21 – February 19 CALL: 1560940011 €1.27 PER MIN. (DAILY)* CALL: 1560942798 €1.27 PER MIN. (WEEKLY)*

Balance is the key to success. Do not be too sure of yourself. Over confidence may send the available talent running for the hills. However, do not make the mistake of saying nothing at all. A little foreplay is required for the best results. This is payback time, so hopefully, you went about things in the nicest possible way. Give someone special a warm smile. It may be all you need to do.

Pisces February 20 – March 20 CALL: 1560940012 €1.27 PER MIN. (DAILY)* CALL: 1560942799 €1.27 PER MIN. (WEEKLY)*

What is the use of dreaming when you already have everything at your fingertips? Of course, there is more to come. Be grateful for what you already have. It is the best way forward. If you are single, a ‘bright and bold’ attitude will reel in a new mate. You will not have to look too hard. Chances are, they were right under your nose all the time! Ditch that fuss-pot tendency and prepare to embrace the real deal.

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