RTÉ Guide

Horoscope What’s in your stars?



March 21 – April 20

CALL: 1560940001 €1.27 PER MIN. (DAILY)* CALL: 1560942788 €1.27 PER MIN. (WEEKLY)*

Do not just see what you want to in a complex situation. You are an adept reader of people. However you are not seeing what is right under your nose. Love needs your attention and you need to make time for what matters. Okay, things are fine for the moment. But you can expect a controvers­ial shake-up. You will feel invigorate­d and surprising­ly alive, once you let your hair down. Live it up a little.


April 21 – May 21

CALL: 1560940002 €1.27 PER MIN. (DAILY)* CALL: 1560942789 €1.27 PER MIN. (WEEKLY)*

Whatever happens you will be delighted with the outcome. Surrender to the moment – it is all you have. The best surprise heading your way is that things will work out much better than you had ever thought they would. You really can access the contents of your wildest dreams and expect to see a semblance of the same in your daily life before too long. Dare to dream.


June 23 – July 23

CALL: 1560940004 €1.27 PER MIN. (DAILY)* CALL: 1560942791 €1.27 PER MIN. (WEEKLY)*

A watershed moment is upon you. Discretion is really the best policy as you build up to making an important decision. Preserve your privacy and that of others and you will be duly rewarded. Expect a crossroads to materialis­e if it has not done so already. Remain calm and the answers will naturally unfold. You may feel justifiabl­y proud of recent achievemen­ts. Build on your successes; but don’t leave any stone unturned.


May 22 – June 22

CALL: 1560940003 €1.27 PER MIN. (DAILY)* CALL: 1560942790 €1.27 PER MIN. (WEEKLY)*

Pay special attention to your dreams. You can process an awful lot in the next while and might as well press on. Make good decisions and follow your heart. You can expect good progress. You must now access your best reserves of self-discipline, power and strength. Those who rule must first rule themselves. Guard against a clash of interests and decide for yourself. Power struggles are likely and you will need to keep your wits about you on the work front.


July 24 – August 23

CALL: 1560940005 €1.27 PER MIN. (DAILY)* CALL: 1560942792 €1.27 PER MIN. (WEEKLY)*

There is no need to be reserved as you go about your business. You can afford to be more game for a laugh. Keep judgements bright and breezy; and let winds of change breathe new life into your existence. There is no need to plod heavily from pillar to post. Lighten your step and expect an invigorati­ng time. You are born free, so do not fetter or chain yourself to those who hunt you down


August 24 – September 23

CALL: 1560940006 €1.27 PER MIN. (DAILY)* CALL: 1560942793 €1.27 PER MIN (WEEKLY)*

You are destined to have the last laugh. There is no room for complacenc­y however. You still have many obligation­s to fulfil. Do not be afraid to ask for a fairer deal from those who are chancing their arm. Your inherent value is apparent by now; so it is important to guard against abuse. Protect yourself in subtle ways.


September 24 – October 23

CALL: 1560940007 €1.27 PER MIN. (DAILY)* CALL: 1560942794 €1.27 PER MIN. (WEEKLY)*

Whatever comes your way is an important part of your destiny. Stay balanced and realistic. A simple approach to a complex scenario will pay off big time. Adopt a new way of seeing an old connection. You will be surprised at what comes of it as the past integrates nicely with the present. You will find that it all makes sense. You did not miss out and it is all just perfect.


October 24 – November 22

CALL: 1560940008 €1.27 PER MIN. (DAILY)* CALL: 1560942795 €1.27 PER MIN. (WEEKLY)*

Times change so pace yourself and be assured that all is well. Everything is happening for a reason. You will soon understand things from a new perspectiv­e. Outcomes are going to be very satisfacto­ry to you. Do not worry and look for the hidden blessings in what is happening. Love overall could be very demanding.


November 23 – December 21

CALL: 1560940009 €1.27 PER MIN. (DAILY)* CALL: 1560942796 €1.27 PER MIN. (WEEKLY)*

Work challenges will take you to a new level. What seems to be a problem may in fact be a big blessing. It may even be an answered prayer in heavy disguise. Take a deep breath and trust. Be at peace and remember that sometimes God needs to dismantle our old patterns to make way for the new.


December 22 – January 20

CALL: 1560940010 €1.27 PER MIN. (DAILY)* CALL: 1560942797 €1.27 PER MIN. (WEEKLY)*

Relax, unwind and trust. It is a time to lie low and be a tad introspect­ive if not indulgent. Keep an open mind and try not to judge harshly. Others will redeem themselves. Be supportive but do not wade in with advice. Greet a time of change and try to enjoy being surprised at everything that is kicking off! You will now be able to put a new structure on any aspect of life which has been under pressure.


January 21 – February 19

CALL: 1560940011 €1.27 PER MIN. (DAILY)* CALL: 1560942798 €1.27 PER MIN. (WEEKLY)*

Learn to trust yourself again and be assured that it may be all kicking off for good reason. What goes around comes around. You must trust your instincts and be prepared for change. Be on your guard, especially against those whose are jealous. Your psychic ability is fully available to you. Listen-up, tune in and follow through on what you pick up. Do not doubt it. Indeed why should you?


February 20 – March 20

CALL: 1560940012 €1.27 PER MIN. (DAILY)* CALL: 1560942799 €1.27 PER MIN. (WEEKLY)*

Love will grow as long as you refuse to panic! In a work or study situation a clean slate is presented to you as you await developmen­ts. Trust that your needs will be provided for and embrace fresh opportunit­ies. Prepare for the unexpected. Access your inner confidence and trust whatever is going down. You now have the chance to access real strength within.

 ??  ?? Marty Whelan, June 7, 1956
Marty Whelan, June 7, 1956

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