RTÉ Guide

Going green

TV and sports star Anna Geary tells Janice Butler about the changes she’s making at home to be more environmen­tally friendly and aware


Tell us about the Repak Team Green initiative and why you got involved?

I’ve spent so much time outdoors playing sport since I was young. I love going for walks in nature and I grew up in the countrysid­e, so I want to help preserve the beautiful landscape in this country. That’s why I joined Repak Team Green. It’s the perfect first step in helping to protect the environmen­t. Repak created its Team Green initiative in 2018 to support Ireland in achieving future packaging recycling targets set by the EU. Since Repak Team Green launched, over 22,500 people have joined, and their collective effort has increased recycled plastic packaging tonnes by 9%. That shows people are becoming aware of the importance of protecting our planet.

What steps have you taken at home to be greener?

Growing up, my mother was an avid recycler. I can remember all the different labelled bins. You wouldn’t dare put an item in the wrong bin! That has stuck with me as I got older, so I make sure our bins are labelled, so even visitors know what item goes where. We all have to take personal responsibi­lity when it comes to recycling. Learning how to become a best practice recycler is something I’m paying even more attention to now that I have become a homeowner. Knowing what items can and cannot be recycled is always evolving. I’m learning all the time, like how every item needs to be placed clean, dry and loose into the recycling bin. Loose means you don’t try to pack all items into each other. For example, the cereal box is not meant to be stuffed with other items!

How important are environmen­tal issues for you – do you consciousl­y make an effort to change how you live, for the better?

There are many different environmen­tal challenges facing us now. I find the most pragmatic way to face them is to break things down and ask, ‘What can I do in my own life to help, right now?’ I’ve started walking short distances, say, to the shop, instead of driving unnecessar­ily. I’m also trying to buy less packaging and I bring a reusable shopping bag. We use energy efficient light bulbs at home. These are small changes, but they can be immediate changes and every bit helps.

What are your top tips for reducing plastic in the home?

I bought reusable sandwich wrappers. Some Irish companies make them using beeswax. They are very handy.

I also use bamboo Tupperware lunchboxes to bring food with me when in my car. I keep cutlery in my car, so I don’t have to use plastic cutlery when out and about. My travel mug comes with me in the car, as does my refillable water bottle. I also have a collapsibl­e coffee cup which fits easily into my handbag.

I think it’s about making sustainabl­e and realistic changes. That way, more people buy in and we need everyone to buy in!

Anna Geary is an ambassador for Repak Team Green. Join Repak Team Green at repak.ie/team-green

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