RTÉ Guide

Ten ways mtoov bemuiledn t into your life

Once again, Karl Henry is on hand to help Operation Transforma­tion’s leaders and viewers create and stick with a fitness plan that can make a real change in well-being. Here he has 10 totally achievable ways to get more movement into your everyday life


1 Swap the lift for the stairs

Possibly the easiest way to get movement into your day, stairs are great for fitness and strength and are all around us.

2 Have a car-free day

Good for the environmen­t and good for your body, leave the car at home and get moving on your own two feet or two wheels instead.

3 Park further away

How many of us try to park as close as possible to a shop or office door? Try to park further away and have a power walk to your destinatio­n instead.

4 Get off the bus or train one stop earlier

Another really simple way to get more movement in, you barely even notice the difference yet you will be moving so much more.

Stand more

Standing is the best free exercise you can do. By supporting your body weight you stay strong!

6 Lift things as much as you can

Lift the shopping, the laundry, the logs; basically anything. By lifting things we are helping the body to stay strong naturally.

7 Have a movement buddy

It is so much easier to move more when you have someone helping you to do it, so buddy up with someone who wants to get fit too.

8 Give yourself a target to work towards

Having a goal helps you to be motivated to move more, so set a target that means something to you and watch what it does to your motivation.

9 Do it as a household or as a family

Families or couples who get fitter together increase the chances of success, so get your household moving too.

10 Focus on the small wins

Sometimes big goals can be too scary. Instead, break down your goals to smaller, more manageable ones to stay healthy and you will be more motivated to hit them.

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