RTÉ Guide

Why vitamin D?


VDr Peter Mcquillan, co-founder of award-winning vitamin supplement company, Novomins, shares his insight to the importance of getting enough vitamin D,

especially at this time of year itamin D is synthesise­d by our skin after exposure to sunlight, hence its nickname, the “sunshine vitamin.” A lack of vitamin D can lead to suppressed immunity, achy muscles and bones, and even low mood and depression, to name but a few symptoms.

With 47% of Irish adults de cient in vitamin D, it’s clear we need more of it. However, there are two issues I see here: too much sun exposure and the damage and risk that comes with that, and that as a population, we don’t get enough sunlight to keep our levels topped up anyway. The good news is you can obtain it from foods, but in autumn and winter months a supplement is highly recommende­d.

A recent randomised clinical trial found that our vitamin D3 gummies had greater absorption than tablets of a higher strength, even in the follow-on study conducted afterwards. This is because when chewed, the gummies release their vitamin D, which is absorbed directly into our blood via the highly vascularis­ed linings of our mouths (this process is called buccal absorption). Further, because vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin, it is absorbed directly into our circulator­y system (where it becomes e ective), bypassing the stomach route and avoids the liver, where a percentage of vitamins and minerals are processed into waste products before they reach the rest of our bodies,” says Peter. See novomins.com to nd out more about vitamin D3 gummies

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