RTÉ Guide

Is Dean the best man for the joc?


The new week begins with Fergal missing, and Dean is keen to find out where he is. After Dearbhla asks him to cater the engagement party, Dean rings around the local hospitals to try to locate Fergal, but he is then horrified when Dearbhla gets a call from ‘ Vicky’.

Dearbhla is feeling guilty and thinks that Dean taking on the role of Gar’s best man is a bad idea. She asks him to drop out, and after he agrees, he heads round to see Gar just before the engagement party. Obviously, the groom-to-be is not prepared for the bombshell coming his way.

Later, Dearbhla pleads with Gar to give her another chance, insisting that her fling with Dean was nothing more than a one-night stand. Fergal continues to stir the pot though, badmouthin­g Dearbhla to Gar.

Elsewhere this week, Mairead informs Orla that her trip to Germany with Damien is off, while Orla and Mairead are both concerned about Carol’s wellbeing following the kidnapping.

Orla offers Carol a sympatheti­c ear, but she insists she’s fine. Will a drinks meeting help build bridges? If not, what about a spa day? Orla thinks that’s a good idea, but Mairead then says she can’t make it due to work commitment­s.

Later, Orla realises that Mairead paid Phoebe’s fees without telling Damien and that was the real reason their German vacation was cancelled.

In fact, Mairead has a few money issues and is relieved to pick up some overtime at Phelan’s which may help get the Munich trip back on and enable Damien to see his daughter.

Also this week, as James works hard to sell the last few raffle tickets for the apartment giveaway, Carol presses Hayley to make her move on him. Hayley tells Anto her plan – to transfer €50k of the charity raffle money into an account in James’ name, have him arrested for fraud, and get Rafferty to disown him. As Maxine knuckles down for the final push of sales, she and James worry about bad press when they hear a vulture fund has bought up most of the raffle tickets. Meanwhile, as Sharon shares her continued disapprova­l about the sham pregnancy with Anto, Hayley shoves James into Doug and Erica’s path before taking sneaky photos of his interactio­n with baby Nora.

But are Hayley’s plans to destroy James about to be foiled when he gets her to pull out the winning raffle ticket?

 ?? ?? Dean is pressured by Dearbhla to back out of best man duties
Dean is pressured by Dearbhla to back out of best man duties

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