RTÉ Guide

Forager skincare


Forager is a collection of small batch, hand-poured balms made with foraged native Irish wild weeds and 100% natural ingredient­s created in Dublin.

“Mother Nature was very clever to put our medicine at our feet” is the ethos of Forager owner and herbalist,

Feebee Foran. Feebee has created a range of skin-loving balms that nourish and care for your skin with a respectful nod to long-lost Irish remedies.

Forager balms draw on the goodness within the plants that grow at our doorsteps, like the humble daisy, which was historical­ly used to treat bruises, bites and stings.

“If you ever wondered where the saying ‘fresh as a daisy’ came from,” says Feebee, “it’s due to the fact that daisies can remove dead skin cells from your face – leaving you fresh-faced. These sayings of old come from a time when people intuitivel­y listened to how plants made them feel – we may have forgotten to listen, but I’m on a mission to help people connect with what’s growing around them again.”

For natural skincare lovers, Fotox (or Nature’s Botox) eye serum draws on foraged Irish rosehips to create a silky soft anti-wrinkle, anti-break- out, hydrating daily treatment to nourish your skin, while the Skin & Tonic foaming facewash o ers a deep- cleansing but gentle lather for morning and evening, that won’t leave your skin feeling dried out (with a little thanks to a generous addition of aloe vera).

Each balm and cream is created with care by Feebee at her home. From foraging for wild plants along the Dodder and in Bohernabre­ena with her dog Sika, to formulatin­g and hand-pouring each pot with intention, there is care and craft in every balm. forager.ie

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