RTÉ Guide

Star of the week

Sarah Bolger, February 28, 1991


Aries March 21 – April 20

Grant loved ones a chance to live up to their best possible potential. The best presents come in small packages, so give that small gesture the benefit of the doubt. Display your wares and strut your stuff to attract a mate. Someone may express a controvers­ial opinion. Smile sweetly and say whatever. The truth will come out at the right time, and no sooner, so don’t be tempted to force things along. Wait for the optimal moment. Maximum impact is guaranteed. The pressure is mounting but you must stay cool.

Taurus April 21 – May 21

Premature action is inadvisabl­e, but make preparatio­ns for what you need to do next. You need to be astute and wise in all your dealings for the next while. What you are facing is nothing you can’t deal with. It’s all good and you will triumph if you adopt the right attitude. The hand you play will bounce back to you – it’s non-negotiable. You may experience your fair share of bitchiness until your peers catch up and realise you are a reliable friend.

Gemini May 22 – June 22

This will be a productive time for you, so make good choices and see where you get to. There is plenty of fun to be had when you relax, but you need to know where you are headed first. Don’t monitor the activities of others too closely. It’s time to do your own thing. Do as you would have others do by you, and most scenarios will be sorted. This biblical sentiment covers a multitude of sins. There is no point in following through a revenge plan. The consequenc­es will not suit you.

Pisces February 20 – March 20

Leave certain things to fate. Love finds a way through. Trust your sensitive antennae to steer you out of a maze of difficulty. Be practical. There is absolutely no need to lose your nerve. Prioritise and chill as things fall into place. Keep your secrets and those who are trying to control you will kick themselves in time. A change of location is good. Your next big decision brings in a lucky vibrant energy. Go for it! Your career is set to fly too, so be confident.

Cancer June 23 – July 23

You need to get real about what is going down and it’s very important not to act out a part any longer. You may have to be gracious amidst defeat. Be assured, however, that a fresh start will blow your mind away. I know you can’t stand the thought of anyone upsetting your apple cart, so perhaps if you do it first, the opposition will not have that satisfacti­on. One way or another, a change is coming. Use key days to make pertinent points.

Leo July 24 – August 23

Life will creep up behind you and bite when you least expect it. You may love to claim ownership of ideas, people or items, but loosen your grip. Stop expecting the worst. You will feel a weight fall off your shoulders at long last. Relief is guaranteed, finally. Recent situations may have been a bit hairy, but your judgment will ultimately be proven correct. Have patience and stand your ground a while longer. You can expect everything you touch to turn golden as the Midas factor is in full flow.

Virgo August 24 – September 23

Consider others in your big decisions, but don’t play the martyr. It’s important to be true to you. Others will adapt and adjust as you start to shine and come out of your shell, finally. If life is all work and no play, try to redress the balance. Have a bit of fun and enjoy the mischief in the air. Romantical­ly, it’s all good. Be realistic with a work project and don’t push people too far. You will pay in the long run if you over stretch your limits.

Libra September 24 – October 23

Expect to be blessed in many ways and on many levels. Be forewarned: there could be some mad gossip flying around. You may unravel some juicy details you would rather not take further. Love will get complex, that is for sure. Watch the face you present to others. Your image is important, so make a good impression. Speak wisely but from the heart. Venus love-action will help you to tweak things to full effect, but you must be willing to compromise.

Scorpio October 24 – November 22

Time will unravel a mystery. Try as you might, you cannot turn something around quite yet. So be resigned and dignified as you play the game. Don’t overdo things and remain cool, even amidst turmoil. Pay attention to detail and don’t take anything for granted. A bit of subtlety will get you further than shouting down the powers that be. Break down barriers, but don’t embarrass yourself as you do. This is not the time to assume too much.

Sagittariu­s November 23 – December 21

Rely on your more-than-adequate intuition to see you through. Never mind what’s going on in the lives of others, you must be true to yourself and maximise your own creativity. Don’t be afraid of your potential and continue to make the most of your opportunit­ies. In all things, try a little harder. If you are scuttling around in a panic, stand still and take a deep breath. Slow down your pace a while as you don’t want to burn out.

Aquarius January 21 – February 19

Now is the time to pull yourself together and take back the reins of your life. In the long run, any difficulty will prove to be a blessing in disguise. Try not to give into temptation, anger or resentment. Forgivenes­s may be required so that the stress you are under doesn’t defeat you. Smile and the world will smile with you. Money delays will work out well in the long run. Besides, it is better to hold off signing your life away.

Capricorn December 22 – January 20

Quality is better than quantity at this stage. Love will flock to you in many guises so be prepared and look around. Accept that you have made good choices recently and don’t undermine them with doubt. Streamline your life and refine your existence by keeping your dignity at every turn. Be mindful of good company. Steer clear of negative influences. It is a time to prune, chop and clear away emotional debris. Give your heart some TLC and lap up attention.

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