RTÉ Guide

Pete on the path out of drug purgatory

Sun, Tue & Thur / RTÉ One


Leo is worried about Dean this week, and to be fair he has every right to be. After Leo quizzes him about his recent behaviour, Dean shuts him down. But maybe he’d be right to let Leo in – after all, he could do with someone on his side.

Dean is busy trying to get Fergal to back down from his plan to fake an attack on Jacinta. Fergal’s having none of it, though, and tells Dean that it has to go ahead – and soon. Leo won’t let his concern for Dean go, and he turns to Gar and Dearbhla for help. Reluctantl­y, they agree to help track down Dean. Dearbhla starts by video-calling the mysterious “Vicky” for clues as to Dean’s whereabout­s – and, like an episode of MTV’S Catfish, Dearbhla and Gar are soon piecing together evidence in a bid to find the full story of exactly what’s been going on with Dean. But will they find their answers in time?

Dean’s not the only one whose whereabout­s is causing concern, as Hayley continues to fret about missing James. Anto tries – and fails – to ease her worries, and later in the week finds himself at odds with Sharon about how to handle the whole situation.

Both Sharon and Anto are concerned about Hayley but neither seemingly know what to do for the best. And Hayley, of course, has her own feelings about the whole thing and doesn’t take Sharon’s advice to put James behind her too kindly.

Pete is in for a rough ride this week as he tries to go cold turkey. He starts out by trying to convince Doug and Erica that he’s through the worst of it and feeling much better now. He might stand a better chance of persuading them that he’s telling the truth if he weren’t visibly suffering withdrawal symptoms, and acting irritable. After snapping at Erica and making baby Nora cry, he eventually admits he’s struggling – and begs Doug to help him by slipping him a few pills to get him through the night.

Erica, perhaps sensibly, decides that she and Nora would be safer staying at Sharon’s until Pete is showing some improvemen­t.

Kira and Victor seem to be cooking up something clandestin­e after Kira accepts a dinner invitation from Victor and Babs. It’s an evening that a busy Mondo could have done without, but Kira may yet make him regret taking her for granted…

 ?? ?? A desperate Doug gives in and medicates Pete
A desperate Doug gives in and medicates Pete

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