RTÉ Guide

Star of the week

Ronan Keating, March 3, 1977


Aries March 21 – April 20

Be open to life, love and fate for your best life. You will be pleasantly surprised if you step off the gas just a little. Think about recent events carefully and begin to put things in perspectiv­e. You have reason to be pleased and reason to be grateful. You stand to succeed when you make an effort. It makes sense to prioritise tasks and get them all in the right order. Don’t even contemplat­e failure. You can expect only good things. Watch your stress levels and see where you get to.

Taurus April 21 – May 21

Don’t be too proud within your closest relationsh­ips. There is a lot at stake, but it won’t pay to be too stubborn. Give a little and find common ground. Empathy and understand­ing are the qualities that will serve you well. On an important point, bear in mind that you are probably right; but you may not be. Tread lightly as you try to find common ground. There are two sides to every story. Bear this in mind when you have to make an objective judgment.

Gemini May 22 – June 22

Introspect­ion is important as you think through matters closest to your heart. You need to listen to your heart, even as you let your mind wander free. There is plenty to play for. You need to have a strong sense of what is right for you before you commit your energies. You need to find the right direction. Dreams and visions have a big part to play in discerning your way forward. Listen to your heart and soul. Don’t ignore your intuition.

Pisces February 20 – March 20

Your self-belief turns things around and you are bound to come out on top. Enjoy yourself as you go about your business. There’s no point getting stressed or paranoid about recent events. Protect your heart and be careful what you say and to whom! Take your time and make sensible decisions. Be as straightfo­rward as possible with loved ones. Keep things simple and take life as it comes. However, you are less likely to be hassled with chores if you’ve got lots of constructi­ve things to do elsewhere.

Cancer June 23 – July 23

You have every reason to be optimistic and you really can afford to be confident in your talents, abilities and opportunit­ies. Say a big YES to what’s on offer. Work-wise, you need to be cute. Keep people on side and negotiate when you have to. Now is not the time to be a ditherer. Do things in your own time, but it is crucial you focus and avoid procrastin­ation. Do your own thing and Don’t be dictated to – as if!

Leo July 24 – August 23

Pave the way for good changes. Your destiny is about to undergo an almighty shift. What you least expect to manifest, but secretly wish for, will come about with the greatest of ease. Everything will fall marvellous­ly into place. If you are brave enough to look in the mirror, stare yourself out for a while. You will soon get a strong sense of what it is you actually want. More than likely, your wishes are already manifestin­g right under your nose. Inspiratio­n will come from the strangest places.

Virgo August 24 – September 23

A good wish or good intention will make all the difference, right? Be daring and attempt something that would normally leave you feeling rather shredded. Lose your nerves and you will come out on top. It is important to get out of your head. Don’t let any niggling doubts hold you back. It is time for action. Realise that your general gorgeousne­ss surpasses all the competitio­n. Start to appreciate yourself a little bit more. Self-acceptance will turn your life around. Expect good things and they will surely come your way.

Libra September 24 – October 23

Be careful not to make mad decisions for the sake of it. Get on with the practical stuff, which should keep you busy if all else fails. Relax and don’t panic. You don’t have to put up with being hassled. Stay chilled and calm, then everyone else will follow your good example. Deep thoughts can entertain you, but may also be confusing. Don’t think too hard and miss out on all the fun. Sometimes you should lighten up and put your difficult feelings to one side.

Scorpio October 24 – November 22

Never mind what people think: you know your own mind on things already. Stop dithering and get busy. Don’t let anyone dampen your spirits. Pull your weight as part of a team. No one is an island. Be open to events and your energies will be revitalise­d. Make the most of opportunit­ies. Tackle the boring bits with good grace. You will be surprised at what you can achieve. Revamp and declutter. Don’t make a scene when you don’t get your own way.

Sagittariu­s November 23 – December 21

Concentrat­e on your immediate surroundin­gs to focus your energy. Enjoy your wicked sense of humour. It will cheer you up and everyone else too. When your sense of adventure kicks in, you will feel much better. Your hopes, dreams and wishes take off. Concentrat­e on the positive and don’t get demoralise­d. Present a pretty face to the world and you are bound to make a great impression. Your powers of concentrat­ion are second to none, so you should win every competitio­n going. Make the most of good energy levels.

Capricorn December 22 – January 20

Don’t leave people hanging while you decide to be nice. It’s not good to march out of the room. Be brave and say what you have to say, then kiss and make up. You should be full of beans and very witty. Just keep it that way and you will start to feel a lot better. Your confidence will grow if you step out in style. Don’t hide away with your deepest thoughts. Get out and about to enjoy life. You are looking and feeling your best.

Aquarius January 21 – February 19

You will have to do what’s expected. Take the routine chores in your stride and remember, every cloud has a silver lining. There are some nice surprises hovering in the ether. Look on the bright side of difficult situations. You are being challenged for a reason. Prepare to make the best of relationsh­ips and you will grow. Use your strong spirit to influence people. Your determinat­ion to get things right is impressive. Make yourself feel better with a pep talk. Stay positive and what’s bugging you should fade away.

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