RTÉ Guide

Going through a phase


What does a waxing and waning moon mean? It sounds a little confusing, but the explanatio­n is actually pretty simple.. When the moon is new, we initially can’t see it in this dark phase and between then and the full moon, as it gets more illuminate­d each night and grows ‘bigger’, it is called a waxing moon. Once it moves past the full moon, it is considered waning until it reaches the dark, invisible bit, where it starts to wax again.

The moon has four phases or quarters that last about seven days each. The New Moon, the Half Moon (first quarter), the Full Moon, then the final Half Moon (last quarter).

There are many aspects to this way of growing, including sowing by constellat­ion, but the simplest version is this:

• The time between the new moon and the first quarter is the time to plant leafy crops such as salads and kales.

• Fruit crops are planted between the waxing crescent moon and the full moon.

• Root crops and perennial crops are planted in the phase from the full moon to the waning crescent moon.

• The last phase leading to the new moon is not a time for planting, but for practical work, pruning, weeding and nourishing the soil.

The moon is also important in biodynamic agricultur­e, where practition­ers use special preparatio­ns made from herbs, minerals and animal substances to enhance soil fertility and plant health. These preparatio­ns are often applied to the soil or plants at specific times according to the lunar calendar, to align with cosmic forces.

I have never understood why such a big deal has been made about man walking on the moon. I’m in the great, Irish philosophe­r and writer John Moriarty’s court on this one. So what if someone walks upon the moon? What good is that when we live on the most beautiful, magical planet already, a place that most of us have never truly walked upon. How many of us have ever gotten out of our heads long enough to truly come down and walk barefoot upon this sacred, potent planet of ours?

So why not experiment with the moon this year? Try sowing some seeds in the waxing phase and some of the same seed in the waning phase and see how healthy and abundant both harvests are in comparison! You may be surprised and find yourself inadverten­tly woven into the actions and threads of your ancestors.

 ?? ?? Waxing moon over trees
Waxing moon over trees
 ?? ?? Bean shoot
Bean shoot

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