RTÉ Guide

Stacey’s part in the alliance in doubt


Mon, Tue, Wed & Thur / RTÉ One & BBC One

The six not-so-merry-murderesse­s of Walford certainly like to make life difficult for themselves, and this week it’s Stacey’s turn to jeopardise their fragile alliance.

She’s put in the awkward position of trying to keep Jack’s marriage going as she urges him to do whatever his wife asks, and then encourages Denise to get her relationsh­ip back on track.

However, it’s Stacey who struggles to play happy families at a Slater-branning barbecue in honour of little Charli, as she feels guilty when she sees how fragile Denise is. Stacey later tells Jack that she wishes she could be selfish, but his wife needs him more. However, before the cheating pair can feel too noble about their sacrifice, Martin walks in on their tender goodbye kiss.

Stacey later admits to Martin that she did have an affair with Jack, but insists it’s over now, and points out it’s none of his business anyway. That doesn’t stop Martin telling Kathy, who panics at the thought of it getting back to Denise and urges him to keep quiet.

Meanwhile, back at the Brannings’, Jack and Denise promise to work on their problems, but Chelsea is getting suspicious after seeing Martin storm off from the barbecue…

Linda agrees to hold Jade’s fundraiser in the Vic, on the condition Dean doesn’t attend. That’s not the only problem Dean faces though when Jade has a coughing fit and Jean rings the doctor. To make matters worse, his daughter then looks at his phone and is confused by the number of missed calls from her mum – why would he avoid speaking to Shabnam when she surely understand­s that Jade can’t go to Pakistan yet because of her health?

Later, Jade begs Elaine to let Dean watch her speech, sending Linda into a panic when she sees him in the bar.

The Knights try to make a fuss over birthday boy George, but the atmosphere becomes strained when Gloria turns up. When she then tries to insist that George had a happy childhood, he responds with an angry outburst than shocks even him.

When Honey discovers Avani sold Will a vape, Priya is unrepentan­t, prompting Ravi to criticise her parenting skills, which goes down as well as you might expect. Lauren is feeling down about her upcoming 30th birthday – and learning Peter can’t come to her celebratio­n because he has a date that night doesn’t improve her mood.

 ?? ?? Stacey’s close to wrecking the Witches of Walford alliance
Stacey’s close to wrecking the Witches of Walford alliance

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