RTÉ Guide

Star of the week


Aries March 21 – April 20

Take things slowly but surely. Know your limitation­s and don’t push yourself beyond what you can cope with. Deal with things as they arise and all will be well. Don’t let anything fester. Learn to say no when it counts and be brave when it comes to speaking your mind. Tap into that special grace that is uniquely yours and knock the socks off your competitor­s. Remove obstacles as they arise and be open to new unexpected developmen­ts. Build up good vibes with a lively exchange of feelings.

Gemini May 22 – June 22

Be dignified and independen­t to make a good impression. However, be cautious of circumstan­ces and offers. Stay as chilled as possible and pay attention to detail. Sign on the dotted line, only after you have checked over the small print. You have to know what you are letting yourself in for, after all! A new fresh approach is well advised. Stay cool. Anything that begins at this time will have a great knock-on effect. Links to the past are fortuitous.

Cancer June 23 – July 23

It can all wait for another day. They say that procrastin­ation is the thief of time, but sometimes, of course, it allows you to have a well-deserved rest. This is a good time to explore your options without committing to anything in particular. Leave things up in the air if necessary. You can afford to take your time with a major decision. Don’t rush into anything just yet. Allow changes to take place: the line of least resistance will serve you well.

Taurus April 21 – May 21

Surely it is more a case of good riddance to bad rubbish at this stage. Be light and bright as you make the decision to move onwards and upwards. Look for opportunit­ies to expand your sphere of in uence. Si through documents and you should nd what you are looking for. Pay special attention to travel plans and be sure to back up your les. Speak up quickly to avoid misunderst­andings. If you can think on your feet, this stretch o ers the chance to clear up deep-rooted problems.

Leo July 24 – August 23

You are usually right about things, but not always. It is very dangerous to assume that you always know best. You probably do, but it is very important not to assume that you do. Use ESP to single out your various options, but do not interfere and decide things for others. A breath of fresh air is called for. Your more than occasional restless streak may be getting you down. Do what you can and maybe a smidgin of what you shouldn’t.

Virgo August 24 – September 23

You will start to look and feel much better. Allow your confidence to blossom but don’t lose touch with reality. Consider that it may indeed be OK to go back to something you thought you had left behind for good. It won’t be the same. Ditch those negative thoughts and allow things to simply ‘be’. Enjoy your dreams and visions and anticipate good things for the future. You deserve a break, as opposed to a break-up or a breakdown.

Libra September 24 – October 23

Come out of your shell and engage your attention. Things are as they should be. Try to be philosophi­cal about what did or didn’t happen. Rest up and smile at the world a while. There is no point trying to control the proceeding­s. Look after your end of things and leave the rest to fate. There is something to be said for kicking out, but on this occasion try to be as laid back as possible. Let difficulti­es run their course.

Scorpio October 24 – November 22

Pay attention to detail with the work stuff. Don’t take anything for granted, least of all yourself. You really should be making careful choices at this stage. Suit yourself without being too egocentric. You are better off following your own intuition. Don’t crumple under pressure or be persuaded against your better judgment. You are on a roll creatively. Don’t let outside interferen­ce scupper your progress. Drive carefully around life’s corners. If you can’t see further than the next bend, panic not.

Sagittariu­s November 23 – December 21

An imminent decision is looming so make sure you appreciate the bigger picture. Take everything into account and cover all angles. You need to guard against unhealthy influences. Don’t be led astray against your better judgment. Peer pressure is a load of old nonsense, after all. Suit yourself. Forgive yourself a misdemeano­r or two, then you can move onwards and upwards. Get down to it and make an impact as only you know how. Are you looking gorgeous? All power to you!

Capricorn December 22 – January 20

Keep your wits about you and be careful out there. Enjoy the intrigue as you merrily wind people up. Watch out for interferen­ce from the nosy types and keep your secrets. Happiness is in the air. All will be well. Don’t worry about what you cannot influence, but have a go at what you can. Skip optimistic­ally into the sunset with a beaming smile. For richer or poorer, were all the recent shenanigan­s really in the contract you signed up for?

Aquarius January 21 – February 19

You might want to rethink terms and renegotiat­e just a little. Make sure you are not placing undue emphasis on what really does not matter. Lay your cards on the table and play your best hand. Nothing is worth the sale of your most precious commodity: your soul is not up for grabs, or it shouldn’t be. Never live and breathe your vocation at the expense of loved ones. Your hunger for the big wide yonder may be heightened this week as claustroph­obia sets in.

Pisces February 20 – March 20

Be aware when you are beginning to look ridiculous. It’s important to get your priorities right. You have been out for the count for a little while and need to ease back in gently. Mellow out and be philosophi­cal about the changing landscape. Life has its own plan mapped out; it is called destiny. Is it set in stone? Are you devastated by the recent turn of events or secretly smiling on the inside?

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