RTÉ Guide

2018 BLIAIN NA Gaeilge


Is í 2018 Bliain na Gaeilge, and to celebrate, we have a practical phrase as Gaeilge each week, with a translatio­n and how to use it!

This week’s phrase: Tarraingío­nn scéal scéal eile Pronunciat­ion: Thar-neen scale scale ell Translatio­n: One story leads to another

Originally, this phrase probably referred to idle gossip. Today, however, it’s probably a better descriptio­n of those wasted hours clicking through linked stories on Facebook and YouTube after you solemnly promised yourself no more than ve minutes of distractio­n. Tarrangíon­n scéal scéal eile!

See lots more for Bliain na Gaeilge at rte.ie/gaeilge

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