Sligo Weekender

Between 15 and 30 new cases of Covid each day

- By John Bromley

BETWEEN 15 and 30 new Covid cases are being reported in Sligo every day, according to Dr Anthony Breslin, the director of public health for the HSE North West region. He said yesterday, Wednesday, that the number of cases in the north west counties of Sligo, Leitrim and Donegal were a cause of concern. The latest figures available at the time of time of going to press yesterday showed that that the number of new Covid cases continues to grow in Sligo

There had been a total of 378 new confirmed Covid cases in the county in the previous 14 days. That was up from 324 in the fortnight prior to that.

The present incidence rate in the county is 576.8 per 100,000, which is a further increase on the incidence rate of 494.4 at the same time last week.

The Sligo incidence rate was the eighth highest in the country. In Leitrim there were 118 cases in the 14 days, with an incidence rate of 368.2.

Yesterday, Dr Anthony Breslin said that on average 15 to 30 new cases daily are being reported in Sligo, with between eight and nine a day in Leitrim and between 90 and 120 cases a day in Donegal

“We are now at a vital stage in the fight against Covid-19 and it’s vital that we continue to follow the public health guidelines,” he said on Ocean FM.

He said it was “very crucial” that people continued to be careful because while “we are on the cusp of people being vaccinated we are still getting cases in the community and the workplace”.

His advice to people was: “If you are feeling sick don’t go anywhere, don’t go to work and get yourself tested and if you are a contact get yourself tested.

“We still have significan­t numbers in the north-west, more so in Donegal, but we have cases in Sligo and Leitrim as well.”

Dr Breslin said that “we still have to do what we have to do in terms of social distancing, covering up, etc. “There are lots of people vaccinated but we have to remember that vaccinatio­n is just part of the story,” he said.

Dr Anthony Breslin.

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