Sligo Weekender

Call for VAT refunds to be restored to unregister­ed farmers


THE removal of VAT refunds for essential works carried out by unregister­ed farmers has been raised with banks and lending institutio­ns by the Irish Farmers’ Associatio­n (IFA).

IFA Farm Business Chair Rose Mary McDonagh said the Minister for Finance must move immediatel­y and restore VAT refunds to those unregister­ed farmers who have been removed from the refunds process.

IFA has been in constant contact with the Government on the issue of what they describe as a “sudden, unannounce­d, change of interpreta­tion of existing legislatio­n by Revenue in relation to refunds of VAT to unregister­ed farmers.”

The IFA say the change has resulted in a number of items of capital expenditur­e being ruled out.

Farmers have been making capital expenditur­e to increase their farm efficiency and sustainabi­lity, with the expectatio­n of receiving a VAT refund. After making these investment­s, they now find out they will no longer qualify. Many of these farmers would have availed of bridging finance for the VAT cost and now find themselves trying to figure out how to repay these short-term finance arrangemen­ts. IFA is raising this issue with banks and other lending institutio­ns.

At a Tax Administra­tion Liaison Committee meeting last week, Revenue outlined that in addition to fencing, drainage, land reclamatio­n and qualifying equipment used in micro-generation of electricit­y, only expenditur­e on the constructi­on, extension, alteration or reconstruc­tion of a building or structure used solely in the farming business will receive a refund.

In the Dáil, Minister Michael McGrath referred to the legislatio­n in relation to refusals for refunds on items such as meal bins, milk bulk tanks, automatic calf feeders, milking parlour equipment and automatic scrapers.

Rose Mary McDonagh said, “With the change in VAT treatment of many items of capital expenditur­e, the current TAMS ceiling is grossly understate­d. These were set as VAT exclusive amounts, but if VAT is no longer repayable on these, then the investment ceilings need to be raised immediatel­y. These new increased ceilings must also apply retrospect­ively for farmers who have now been refused VAT refunds on items previously applied for under TAMS.”

The IFA has written in October on the issue to Minister for Agricultur­e Charlie McConalogu­e and are expecting the required changes to be made.

“It appears from the changed position Revenue have now taken on the applicable Statutory Instrument, the only logical course of action is to immediatel­y amend this piece of legislatio­n, to ensure all items that were previously refunded are once again included. We have requested a meeting with the Minister for Finance and Agricultur­e on this matter,” Mr McDonagh said.

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