Sligo Weekender

Sligo is number one place to work from home in Ireland


THE world of work has changed before our eyes due to Covid-19. The country had to adapt quickly and effectivel­y to working from home. Sligo proved to be one of the best places in the country to do just that and the reputation has endured ever since.

It formed a trend which shone a positive light on Connacht and the north west, with Ballina, Galway and Letterkenn­y ranking highly too. Research by looked at average house prices, access to 5G broadband, crime rates, amenities such as restaurant­s, food delivery and stores, and the local schools. And as flexible and remote working looks set to be the way forward post-pandemic, the study shows that four of the top five places to work from home are all on the west coast of the country.

Sligo came out on top, while Galway is the best place to work from home if you love local food. Longford was named the most affordable place to work from home, while Skerries was the safest.’s Managing Director, Eoin Clark said: “This past year has completely changed everything we knew and were used to in our working lives.

“Many of us have been given a taste of working from home and what life could be like without the ties of an office.

“It’s no surprise that many people have had a taste of freedom and now dream of being able to ditch the office long term.

“Working from home gives you the flexibilit­y to do your job from wherever you please, all you need is a good internet connection and somewhere to open their laptop.

“Not only does this offer a much better work-life balance, but it can save you money ,too, by not having to live in areas with high property prices just to work. It can also cut the commute, saving you time and money every day.”

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