Sligo Weekender



The cost of shipping \our belongings to Ireland depends on their size weight and shape the distance \ou ship them and whether \ou need to pa\ taxes on them.

To give \ou a Tuote \our chosen shipping compan\ will need a rough size of \our goods (including wrapping) in cubic meters or feet.

What taxes do I need to pay on my belongings?

Can I claim tax relief when shipping my belongings home?

If \ou are moving to Ireland from outside the (8 \ou can claim relief from customs dut\ and 9$T on man\ items including \our: ā Personal propert\ and household goods ā Bic\cles motorc\cles private cars trailers caravans small boats and private aeroplanes ā :edding presents if \ou¶re returning to Ireland after getting married

To claim this relief \ou must complete a µTransfer of residence¶ form and submit it to 5evenue before \our belongings arrive.

How do I ship my car to Ireland? If \ou are bringing \our vehicle to Ireland \ou must register the vehicle at a National Car Testing 6ervice (NCT6) centre.

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