Sligo Weekender

A few tips for home declutteri­ng


Sligo Weekender

A true spring clean doesn't happen overnight, or even over a weekend. What you can do is map out a plan of attack and get your organizati­on ideas on paper in the form of a daily checklist. Make a list of all your chores. When one is finished, check it off and move on to the next. This will give you more insight into whether your home declutteri­ng will take one week or a bit longer.

Do a little each day

It's hard to work home and room organizati­on into your weekday routine. You're likely tired when you get home from the office, or are wiped out from spending a day caring for the kids.

Save larger projects like closet organizati­on or installing shelves in kitchen cabinets for the weekends. Instead, set reasonable expectatio­ns for yourself.


If you want to on home decluterri­ng the right way, you can't simply pick up items and put them back where they were. You need to spend some time n room organizati­on, too.

However, you shouldn't try to organize the entire house in one day. Take your time and map out your organizati­on ideas on a roomby-room basis. Start with smaller areas, like closets, kitchen cabinets

If you have a really big home or a crazy schedule, you may want to bring in reinforcem­ents to complete your home de-cluttering.Cleaning services are just the ticket in helping you finish your spring clean before autumn leaves start falling. You can have a maid service come in and start the scrub down so you only have to focus on maintainin­g your home afterwards.

Or you may decide all the time profession­al cleaning teams save you is worth the cost of having them visit on a regular basis. Either way, you'll be able to come home and relax knowing your spring cleaning is completed.

 ?? ?? THE has got some cleaning tips to help you de-clutter and organize your home. Create a spring clean checklist. and bathrooms.
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THE has got some cleaning tips to help you de-clutter and organize your home. Create a spring clean checklist. and bathrooms. Ask for help
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