Sligo Weekender

Tips for looking after your mental health this Spring

- By Orlaith Kerrigan

SPRING is a time of hope and renewal. Since January many of us have probably given more care to our physical health, but it is equally important that we look after our mental health. Below are some helpful tips on doing just that.

SELF CARE: Self care is when you take time to yourself to do something that you love and that makes you feel good. It's important to have some alone time to get away from the stress of daily life and to focus on yourself. It can be something small like journaling or getting some exercise like going for a walk. Self care allows you to look after yourself and help with positive mental health.

BEING SOCIAL: A great way to promote good mental health is to connect with family and friends, coming into spring is also a great time to do it outside. Spending time with people you care about and who care about you can boost your mood. Talking to someone over the phone, outside or even just over a cup of tea can have positive effects on our mood and overall mental health.

SET GOALS: Setting something to work towards is a positive way to boost your mental health. You can give yourself something small that you want to achieve such as exercising twice a week or seeing a family or friend once a week. Setting goals can help mental health because it gives motivation and a feeling of accomplish­ment when the goal is reached. Having something to work towards each day gives your day purpose and provides a mood booster.

Healthy Eating: What you eat plays a big role in your mental health. Eating a balanced healthy diet that provides all the essential minerals and nutrients aids good physical health and when we feel good physically, we are more likely to feel good mentally and have positive mental health.

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