Sligo Weekender

Motion alleging apartheid by Israel against Palestine passed


A MOTION calling on Sligo County Council to endorse reports showing Israel is committing the crime of apartheid against the Palestinia­n people was passed by members of Sligo County Council.

Proposed by Cllr Declan Bree, his motion stated that reports by Amnesty Internatio­nal, Human Rights Watch and the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Occupied Palestinia­n Territorie­s show Israel is committing the crime of apartheid against the Palestinia­n people.

The motion also sought to note that the United Nations has declared apartheid a crime against humanity under the ‘The Internatio­nal Convention on the Suppressio­n and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid’.

He further called on Sligo County Council, “in line with our commitment to the principles of internatio­nal law, declares itself an Apartheid Free Zone, and in doing so, fully supports and endorses the Palestinia­n-led Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement for freedom, justice and equality.”

Cllr Bree said in the period since the last council meeting the Internatio­nal Criminal Court has ruled that “there is plausible evidence that Israel is committing genocidal acts in its assault on Palestinia­ns in the Gaza Strip. After outlining the devastatin­g impact of Israel’s carpet bombing and ground invasion, the court has ruled that urgent measures must be taken to protect Palestinia­ns. The outcome confirms that Israel is now on trial for the crime of genocide.

“The ruling has vindicated the tens of thousands of people who over the past few months have protested against Israel’s actions and taken to the streets of Ireland demanding that our government do everything in its power to influence Israel to stop committing genocide, including the imposition of sanctions and ceasing trade relations – the very kind of measures that the EU and others have adopted when other States violate internatio­nal law.

“Can I say I welcome Minister Helen McIntee’s recent statement of support for Ireland joining the proceeding­s initiated by South Africa.

“In addition to committing genocidal acts Israel has also been committing the crime of apartheid against the Palestinia­n people. And no country knows more about Apartheid than South


Cllr Gino O’Boyle supporting, said water and food had been cut off from the Palestinia­n people in Gaza which he said was “a war crime” and he added that more than two million Gazans had been left without a home.

He said Palestinia­ns were entitled to enjoy the same rights as the rest of humanity.

Cllr Arthur Gibbons said people in Gaza were living in an open prison camp.

“The Superpower­s look on the Palestinia­n people as nobody with no rights,” he said, adding that what was happening was nothing short of “slaughter”.

The motion was agreed without further discussion.

 ?? ?? Sligo County Council chamber in County Hall.
Sligo County Council chamber in County Hall.

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