Sligo Weekender

Fined for no L-Plate and black tint windscreen


“You arrested that man that evening instead of letting it go.”

Ron Vos then entered the witness box. He told the Court: “After having death threats made against me, I went to Sligo Garda Station to report this.

“I told Garda Fitzgerald that two people had made threats to kill me. He refused to take a statement.

“I went back to the station on another occasion and was told by

Sgt Flynn that only the Garda on the scene – Garda Fitzgerald – could take the statement. Sgt Flynn said he would speak to Garda Fitzgerald.

“I went outside to have a cigarette and Garda Fitzgerald approached. I asked if I could have a word. He said, ‘about what?’.

He threatened to arrest me and ordered me to leave.

“I said that I needed to make a statement and tried to go back inside to the station. He then grabbed me.”

Mr McGovern said to Vos: “Garda Fitzgerald says that you pushed him.”

Vos replied: “I didn’t. He put me on the ground and handcuffed me. My heart was racing and I was scared. I cried out for help.”

The Prosecutio­n then asked Vos if he had called Garda Fitzgerald “corrupt”. Vos replied: “I did not shout at him that he was corrupt. The only shouting I did was to call for help when I was on the ground. The way he (Garda Fitzgerald) has treated me… I think he’s a bully.”

However, Judge Michael Connellan stated that he was “happy that the State have proved their case”.

He fined Vos €300 for failure to comply with the direction of the Garda.

Row in bar lands Sligo man on probation order

A 36-year-old man has received a 12-month probation order after an incident at Gracie’s Bar in Sligo town.

Sean Breslin of Market Yard, Sligo, pleaded guilty to using abusive language at the bar on August 1, 2022.

Sgt Derek Butler told the Court that at 1.50am, Garda officers attended Gracie’s after the defendant had been involved in a row with staff.

Breslin had shouted at the bar staff: “Which of you two p***ks is going to take me?”. Garda had to restrain him and apply handcuffs to his wrists.

Defending solicitor, Tom MacSharry told the Court that his client apologises for his behaviour. He added that Breslin has had issues with alcohol in the past but is “clean and sober” now.

Judge Michael Connellan applied the probation order with a €250 bail bond being placed on Breslin.

Fined for threatenin­g behaviour

A 25-year-old has been fined after swearing at a Garda officer and challengin­g him to a fight.

Aaron Duggan of Dromore Hill, Peterswell, Galway, pleaded guilty to the charge of threatenin­g behaviour in relation to an incident on Shore Road, Strandhill, on September 24, 2022.

Sgt Derek Butler told the Court that the Gardaí were attending to report of a couple having an argument.

When arriving at the scene, Duggan was found to be in a state of intoxicati­on and started swearing at Garda Darcy, calling him a “c**t” and telling him to “f **k off”. Duggan also challenged Garda Darcy to a fight.

Defending solicitor, Gerry McGovern told the Court that his client was “very embarrasse­d” and shouldn’t have taken out his frustratio­ns on the Garda.

Judge Michael Connellan fined Duggan €400.

Road, Donegal Town, Co. Donegal, pleaded guilty to assault.

Sgt Derek Butler told the Court that on November 11, 2021 at 3am, the defendant and his girlfriend walked past another couple near Sligo University Hospital when Corley got into an argument with the other male.

A punch was thrown by Corley which struck the injured party causing a minor jaw injury.

The defending solicitor told the Court that his client accepts his wrong-doing and fully accepted the potential consequenc­es that his one punch could have had.

Judge Michael Connellan told Corley: “I’ve seen how a ‘one-punch wonder’ can ruin lives and you were fortunate that no further damage was caused by your action.

“This is your last chance.”

Corley had the probation order placed on him.

A 47-year-old woman who stole from both Tesco and Spar has had the probation order put on her and told to pay back both stores for the stolen goods.

Lisa Mills of Avena, Youngs Road, Ballisodar­e, Sligo, pleaded guilty to two counts of theft.

Sgt Derek Butler told the Court that on October 30, 2023, Mills stole €40 in groceries from Canning’s Spar.

He added that on December 13, 2023, Mills stole alcohol, batteries and cosmetics worth €182.20 from Tesco’s.

Judge Michael Connellan placed Mills on probation for 12 months and ordered to pay both stores for the goods that were taken.

A 19-year-old man has been fined a total of €650 for driving without reasonable considerat­ion and driving without an L-plate.

Eoghan Furey of Manor Grove, Kinlough, Co. Leitrim, pleaded guilty to the offences at Sligo District Court.

Sgt Derek Butler told the Court that on April 1, 2023 at 11am, Furey’s vehicle was stopped.

He was found not to be displaying any L-plates and that the tint on his windscreen was too dark and that

100 per cent visibility was not attainable when looking through it.

The defending solicitor told the Court that his client was “100 per cent stupid” in regard to the offences.

Judge Michael Connellan fined Furey €400 for driving without reasonable considerat­ion and €200 for not displaying an L-plate.

Ballisodar­e woman L-plate was told to pay back displayed on what she owes vehicle

A 25-year-old man was fined for not having an L-plate displayed on his vehicle.

Thomas Whelan of Ard Connell, Ardara, Co. Donegal, pleaded guilty to the offence in relation to an incident that took place in Sligo town on February 28, 2022.

Judge Michael Connellan fined Whelan €150.

Driver pleads guilty to dodgy tyre

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